change the story of you life

The Importance of Shedding Old Stories to Create a New Narrative

Are you stuck in old stories holding you back from living your best life? Many of us carry old stories that no longer serve us, but we hold onto them out of fear or habit. Let go of these stories and create a new narrative that aligns with being centered in SELF. In SELF, your life is sincere, empowered, limitless, and fulfilled. 

Let’s explore the problem of old stories, what to think about, and the outcome of letting them go. Old stories can be a significant roadblock to living a fulfilling life. These stories are often negative or limiting beliefs that you have about yourselves, your abilities, or your circumstances. 

They can be rooted in past experiences or cultural conditioning and hold you back from reaching your full potential. These stories can cause you to doubt yourself, fear change, and stay in unfulfilling situations. It’s important to recognize that these stories are not the truth. They are simply narratives you have created or adopted, and you can change them. 

You can let go of old stories and create a new narrative that aligns with your values and goals. This process requires self-awareness, courage, and a willingness to take action. When you let go of old stories and create a new narrative, you open yourself to new possibilities and opportunities. 

You can live a sincere, empowered, limitless, and fulfilled life. You can pursue your passions, cultivate meaningful relationships, and positively impact the world. Letting go of old stories is a transformative process that can lead to a happier, healthier, and more authentic life.

From Old Stories to New Stories

Let’s look at how different stories begin and how to move beyond them to something new. There is a reason you may hold yourself back, repeating the same story. Consider where the story came from and envision a new version to guide you toward what you truly desire.

Below are three ways stories can develop to hold you back from what you truly desire. You may have experienced one or all of these at some point while on this planet. The beautiful thing is you don’t have to stay in a particular narrative and can pen the following pages of your life.

Acceptable Society Story

The following scenario may relate to many people! Sometimes your passions and gifts may not seem ‘profitable’ or as a sustainable way of life. While the road to helping you succeed may be paved with good intentions, it can often lead to taking you out of your purpose and passion. In today’s society, taking specific paths seems more beneficial, but what is the cost of those paths?


Emily had always wanted to be an artist, but she had been told by her parents and teachers that it was a “waste of time” and that she would never make a living from it. As a result, she pursued a career in finance, but she always felt unfulfilled. 

One day, she let go of the social story and pursued her passion for art. She enrolled in a painting class and started creating her pieces. She eventually quit her job and became a full-time artist, and she has never been happier.

The Outside Narrator Story

Some stories are told by a narrator, not from the character’s perspective. The same thing can happen in your life. Chances are, if you are on this earth, someone narrates parts of your life, positively or negatively. The good news is that when writing your story, you can adjust what the narrators in your life say and how it affects you.

Mark had been in a toxic relationship for years but couldn’t leave because he believed he didn’t deserve better. His ex-partner told him he was “worthless” and “unlovable.” He thought this narration of himself was factual and let someone else take over the story of his life.

One day, he decided to move past the narrator and step into the active role of his story. In that decision, he prioritized his well-being by taking action. He ended the relationship and started working on his self-esteem. He eventually met someone who treated him with respect and love because he knew he was worthy of a healthy, happy relationship.

Your Internal Antagonist

You are human. You are your story’s protagonist (or good guy) but can also serve as the antagonist (oops…the not-so-good guy). The narrative here is your internal dialog and what you tell yourself. Sometimes the antagonists in your mind can take over and prevent you from living your desired life. Your antagonist’s voice often comes from fear or wanting to stay in your comfort zone.


Julie had always been afraid of public speaking and avoided it at all costs. She had a story in her head that she was a “bad speaker” and would embarrass herself if she tried. Her internal antagonist prevented her from public speaking for many years.

One day, she let go of the old story and challenged herself to speak publicly. She joined a public speaking club and practiced regularly. Eventually, she became a confident and skilled speaker and even started giving presentations at work.

Moving Past Old Stories 

You can use the tenets of a SELF-life to change your old stories into new ones.  A SELF-life is one that is sincere, meaning you are true to yourself. Once you tap into your authenticity, you are empowered, which leads to limitless freedom. Thus, you gain fulfillment. 

The SELF-life is absent of selfishness and selflessness. Instead, it is focused on the ability to be centered in who you are so strongly that you are able to live your life completely in a way that aligns with your values, beliefs, and desires. Below are four ways to use SELF-life to change the old stories you have in your life.

Sincere Reflection

Begin by reflecting sincerely on the old stories that you have been telling yourself. Acknowledge the emotions and thoughts that arise when you think about these stories. Write your reflections in a journal or discuss them with a trusted friend.

As you reflect, ponder where the story evolved from. Was it something said to you, done to you, or part of a perception you got from watching others? Is this story a recurring pattern in your life, or did it start later? How does it make you feel to live in this storyline? 

Being honest with yourself in reflection is a way to discover limiting beliefs and move past them. Self-reflection, when done sincerely, is not meant to make you feel bad or judge yourself; the purpose is to find the story’s origin. As you go through this process, release judgment of yourself and others.

Empowered Choice

Once you have clarified your old stories, empower yourself to choose a new narrative. Recognize that you can rewrite your story and choose a narrative that serves you better. Visualize yourself as the protagonist in a new, empowering story.

You get to use your imagination here! What does the character (you) do? Think about what is essential to you. What is fulfilling and brings joy to you? Imagine what those things feel like, sound like, and smell like by engaging your senses as you visualize.

Visualizing your path allows you to move toward empowered choice. You become what you have created on the inside, and you step into the power of the person you say you can be. 

Limitless Mindset

Having a limitless mindset means believing there are no limits to what you can achieve or experience. It is an approach that focuses on possibilities and opportunities rather than limitations and obstacles. When you have a limitless mindset, you believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to, regardless of your background, circumstances, or past experiences. 

Adopting a limitless mindset can be transformative and empowering, allowing you to tap into your full potential and pursue your goals confidently. It can help you overcome self-doubt, fear, and other limiting beliefs that may hold you back from achieving your full potential. By cultivating a limitless mindset, you can unlock new possibilities and experiences you may not have thought possible. 

You can challenge yourself to think outside the box, take risks, and explore new avenues for personal and professional growth. Embracing a new mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life where you can achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

Fulfilled Action

Fulfilled action refers to taking steps that align with your values, goals, and passions and brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment to your life. It involves pursuing activities and plans that are meaningful and satisfying to you rather than simply going through the motions.

When you take fulfilled action, you feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction in what you do, and you are more likely to achieve your goals and feel a sense of accomplishment. Fulfilled action can help you overcome boredom, frustration, and apathy and instead feel energized, motivated, and engaged.

Fulfilled action aligns with living a SELF-life. It involves being sincere and authentic in your actions, feeling empowered to pursue your goals and passions, and having a limitless mindset that allows you to explore new possibilities and experiences. By taking fulfilled action, you can create a life that is not only successful but also deeply satisfying and fulfilling. 

Start Your New Story

Understanding where stories come from, how you rehearse them, and how to rewrite them allows you to embrace a new adventure in life that brings fulfillment and joy. You deserve to live with passion, purpose, and enjoyment while on this earth.

This process takes time and practice. I will always tell you to be gentle with yourself. You may have multiple storylines that you want to adjust, and you can tackle them, but it doesn’t all have to be simultaneous. The areas of your life are interconnected so changing one story will indirectly change other stories for the better.

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Shannon Kline Certified Life Coach

Hi, I'm Shannon

I help women who are ready to get more joy from life  by reconnecting with themselves, so that they can feel empowered rather than exhausted; fulfilled rather than overwhelmed; supported rather than isolated; healthy rather than worn down.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here 

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