In this Episode

It’s time to debunk the myth of manifestation as a magical process and dive into what manifestation really is: the work of alignment.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The Truth About Manifestation: Why it’s not about wishing or waiting for things to appear but aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desires.
  • The Power of Alignment: How to get your thoughts in sync with abundance, feel the emotions of already having your desires, and take inspired actions that open doors for manifestation.
  • Overcoming the Passive Waiting Trap: Why sitting back and waiting for things to happen won’t get you results, and how to co-create with the universe for real change.
  • Practical Examples: From financial abundance to career goals, discover how to apply alignment to different areas of your life for effective manifestation.

If you’ve been wondering what’s missing in your manifestation journey, this episode will give you the clarity and tools you need to get in alignment and start co-creating your reality. Tune in and learn how to move beyond the abstract and into the practical world of manifestation.


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Hey there and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your Practical Manifestation Coach, and today we are kicking off an eye-opening episode that’s all about what manifestation really is. Let me tell you, it’s not about magic or wishing for things to fall from the sky. Today we’re going to take a look at the core of manifesting, the work of manifestation, which is alignment. If you’ve been waiting around for some secret, magical formula, here it is. Manifesting isn’t just about sitting around and hoping. It’s about making sure your thoughts, emotions and actions are all working together. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s dive in, because I’m about to give you some serious tools to co-create with the universe and make your desires your reality. Trust me, it’s way more practical than you think.

Speaker 1: 

The first thing and let’s just get this out of the way is that manifestation is not magic. I know, I know it’s tempting to believe in that Hollywood version of manifesting where you just sit down and think about a million dollars and, poof, it is in your bank account by the end of the week. But manifesting is about alignment, not magic. So let’s just debunk that right here, right now. If you’re thinking but I thought manifestation was supposed to be easy. Let me set you straight it can be easy, but it is not passive. You’re not just throwing your wishes into the universe and hoping that they come back to you like some cosmic boomerang.

Speaker 1: 

Manifesting requires you to get into alignment mentally, emotionally and through your actions. Manifesting is like a puzzle. You have all the pieces your desires, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions and if one piece is missing, you’re not going to see the whole picture. Your job isn’t just to want the finished picture, it’s to put the pieces together. So what does alignment actually mean? It’s about having your thoughts, emotions and actions all pointing in the same direction, toward your desires. When those three things are out of whack, manifesting feels impossible, but when they’re in sync, it feels effortless. So let’s break it down a little bit.

Speaker 1: 

Your thoughts are where your clarity come in. You have to know what you want and think as if it’s possible for you. No more thinking I’ll never get that promotion or I’m just not lucky enough to make that much money. Your thoughts have to align with the reality you’re trying to create. If you want abundance, you have to think abundance. We do this with our thoughts all the time, especially when it comes to self-doubt when it comes to not believing that things are possible for us but maybe they’re possible for others.

Speaker 1: 

I really want you to look at your thoughts and not just as a passing affirmation. But how are you really thinking to yourself? What really are your thoughts? You can affirm I am so excited I know that I am going to get the money. Whatever your affirmation is, money loves me.

Speaker 1: 

One of my favorite ones that I got from one of the badass books from Jen Serrano was I love money and money loves me. I love that affirmation. I love money and money loves me. But when I first started saying that affirmation, there was a problem with my thoughts. Yeah, I thought it. I thought I love money, money loves me. But it was the thoughts that came after that. But does Nani really love me? Am I really worthy of that love? So it’s your thoughts collectively, your collective thoughts, not just the affirmative thought. But what are the collective thoughts? Are there any doubts about your worthiness? Do you have any self-concept doubts that go behind that affirmation, that thought that’s aligning to your desire?

Speaker 1: 

Next up is your emotions, because that’s your internal guidance system. You can’t try to manifest from fear, doubt or worry, and that goes right to your thoughts. What comes after that? Because then when you have certain thoughts, then you emotionally can feel that fear, doubt or worry. So it’s like trying to drive with your parking brake on Y’all. I’ve actually tried to do that before. You don’t get very far and things really kind of get jolty you know the car is going to make some weird noises because it’s not trying to do that Instead of feeling emotions of already having what you desire, which is the difference? So the difference is, instead of feeling the emotions of fear, doubt or worry, you need to feel the emotions of already having your desire. How do you feel to have that dream job, that relationship or that financial freedom? Channel those emotions as if they’re already happening.

Speaker 1: 

I was doing a visualization last December and I wasn’t closing my eyes. This visualization was like, eyes open, looking at images that I had curated, and I had such a strong sense of it’s already happening that it was happening right here and now. This is something you need to practice. It does take practice. I’ve done this with other things, but that was when I really noticed that, that practice of mine going to another level to truly feel that I had it already, it was already fine when you can get to that place. And, once again, it just takes practice. Okay, I have my thought, okay, this is how I feel, and we practice, we practice eliciting those feelings. So the more you practice, the easier it becomes, just like anything else. So I know when people first start talking about emotions and eliciting them in manifestation, it can feel like, how do I do that? You practice, practice what it feels like. Practice what it feels like in that joy. If you had it, if it was right here with you now, what would that feel like? And you just keep practicing pulling those emotions up.

Speaker 1: 

A trick that I use with my clients, with people that I’ve helped with mindset coaching in years past, is a lot of times when we are becoming more self-aware because manifestation is a lot of self-awareness. More self-aware because manifestation is a lot of self-awareness. We’re aware of our thoughts, we’re aware of our emotions. Is be aware when you’re truly happy and joyful? Right, because when we go through this work we sort of default to always trying to do the fixing part and making the things better, but when you’re having joy and like, okay, I was washing dishes the other night and I was listening to music and I was feeling so joyful. Stop and also be aware of those feelings so you can truly feel how they feel, so that when you want to elicit them and bring them up in your manifestation, when you’re trying to align, you have a good, strong sense of what that feels like to you. What does this feeling feel like to me, feels like to you, what does this feeling feel like to me? And then drawing it up to match this is what it would feel like to already have that desire. So you have your thoughts, you have your emotions, but there’s also your actions.

Speaker 1: 

And here’s where a lot of people get tripped up, because manifestation requires action. It’s not about hustling, it is not about forcing things to happen. It’s about inspired action. That means taking steps that feel aligned with what you’re trying to create. If you’re trying to manifest a new career, you don’t just visualize it and you don’t just sit there and, oh, this is how it’s going to feel. You do update your resume, you may network, you put yourself out there. The universe cannot meet you halfway if you don’t take these steps first. You have to take that inspired action. What actions line up? And it’s not planning it out perfectly. I think this is the misconception with inspired actions. We’re not goal setting and we’re not planning out every single little.

Speaker 1: 

This happens, then I’m going to do this and check that off. I’m going to do this and check that off. I’m going to do this and check that off. I’m going to do this and check that off, and then I have my goal. Like, we can do that in normal daily day things In a little bit. I just got some new stuff for my living room. I need to rearrange stuff. I have a goal to have a section of my living room put together. So I can say I, you know, I’m going to, you know, to test and do the baseboards. I might as well, I’m already there, I’m going to do that stuff. First I’m going to move around the furniture, then I’m going to slide the rug under the chair, make a list. Oh, wow, look, woohoo, the corner that I want, that I desire, is now put together. It looks great because I have done it. That’s a checkoff system. That’s just reaching a goal.

Speaker 1: 

Manifestation is beyond that. Manifestation says I can update my resume, I can apply, I can network, I can do those things. That’s the aligned action, but I’m open to all possibilities. I’m not so stuck on. It has to be this job. I’m not so stuck on. It has to be this particular company, this particular title. You know those type of things. It has to be that. That’s my goal. No, what is my goal? What is the job? What do I want? But I’m open to possibilities. If I say it has to be this particular company with this particular title, well, maybe that company doesn’t have that available or maybe they use a different title for the same thing that you’re wanting to do. So your actions are really just updating your resume, being open to possibilities. You’re networking, you’re putting yourself out there on LinkedIn, you’re open for hiring, you are applying to places, but you’re being open to any and all possibilities. You’re not so hyper-focused on one thing that you cut the universe off. So I hope that makes sense.

Speaker 1: 

If you have questions about aligned action and inspired action, let me know. You can always send me a DM on social media at coachingwithshannonk, or you can send me an email at contact at livelifeunapologeticallycom, because this one is one that we have to really kind of go through what’s inspired and what’s forced in actions, because we are taught to take forced action to make things happen. So we’d never leave room for that opportunity, the things that we didn’t know were even possible, because our mind is limited in possibilities of what we know until we can say you know what, I’m open to all possibilities, even ones I can’t even think of. So we need to be open to that. So it’s not saying I’m going to plan it out. I’m taking inspired action to do things that align with this desire.

Speaker 1: 

Your actions can be coming into alignment with your thoughts and emotions through manifestation tools like journaling, meditation, affirmations, visualization. Those things can be aligned. Action to get you in that frequency and that feeling and the mindset required to attract that which you desire. So remember, you have your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. That is the pieces of alignment. Now I know this can sound a little abstract. I want to bring it down to earth just a little bit more. What does alignment really look like in real life?

Speaker 1: 

Say, you’re trying to manifest more financial abundance. So you set an intention to say I am wealthy, all my needs and wants are met. That’s your intention. I’m wealthy, all my needs and wants are met. That’s the clarity part. Now your job is to make sure your thoughts, emotions and actions are backing that up. So your thoughts. Instead of constantly worrying about money, you have to shift your mindset to one of possibility. Instead of constantly worrying about money, shift your mindset to one of possibility and the acknowledgement that abundance is already all around you. So, instead of saying I can’t afford that, you can try saying I believe the universe is gonna bring me the ability to obtain that. You can say I’m so grateful that I was able to buy this, like think of something you were already able to buy. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have the lack you shift your focus to what you do have the abundance that’s already around you.

Speaker 1: 

With your emotions, how does it feel to have wealth to meet all your needs and your wants? Does it feel like security, ease, excitement? Tap into those feelings as often as you can, even if you’re just paying your bills. As you’re paying those bills and this kind of goes a little bit with action but as you’re paying those bills with your emotions, feel that If you’re affirming and saying to yourself I am wealthy enough to afford all of my needs and my wants, well, your bills, you need to pay those right. So how does it feel so good that you’re paying your bills and the universe has already delivered that to you. Wow, it’s a whole change of perspective. When you elicit those emotions, approach it with gratitude and possibility rather than fear.

Speaker 1: 

Now let’s talk about your actions, because you have to show up like the person who already has this financial wealth. This doesn’t mean blowing your savings on a luxury vacation, but it means having intentional choices that align with the abundance you’re calling for. Maybe you’re creating a budget, maybe you’re looking at investing, maybe you’re looking at new ways to increase your income and for that to come to you. What actions can you take that align with that desire that I have all of the wealth to meet my needs and my wants? What does that look like to you? What actions can you take If you’re constantly sitting around and not spending money? And I’ll show you what this kind of looks like.

Speaker 1: 

So there’s a person that I know and we have these conversations, and this person is not into manifesting, so I don’t say anything. I don’t impress that upon anybody. If you want it and you want to come to it, then come to it. So this person wanted money to pay the bills, extra income, like all of the things, and they worked hard to get it. And now that they have it, they won’t spend it. When this person doesn’t spend, they’re like no, no, no, I have to save it in case there’s another famine, because this person’s always like you know, there’s feast and famine times and I always have to make sure I have the money for the famine, so I’m not going to spend this money. Lo and behold, this person always ends up with the famine time. They’re like yeah, I believe I can make this money and do good and do these things, but I’m going to hold so tight to this money that I’m not going to let, I’m not going to do anything with it, even though I want it for needs and wants. I’m going to pay my bills with it and I want a lot of things, but I’m not even going to get the things I want, even though I have the money for the things that I want, even though I have this. And then they go into famine because their actions are saying this is all and I have to hold on to this because nothing more is coming to me. So what are your actions saying?

Speaker 1: 

This one was difficult for me when I first started, but I really worked on this. One of my affirmations was every time I release money, it flows back to me. Every time I release money, more money flows back to me. Every time I release money, more money flows back to me. And that doesn’t mean that I was spending recklessly, but with my actions I didn’t hold on. I didn’t say, well, yeah, I have this extra disposable income, everything’s been taken care of, everything’s been taken care of my bills, my savings, all of this good. But even though I have this disposable income that I asked for, I’m just going to hang on to it. I’m not going to do the thing. I’m not going to pull the trigger. Purposefully decided. My actions needed to show that I believed that the universe not going to do the thing. I’m not going to pull the trigger. Purposefully decided. My actions needed to show that I believed that the universe was going to bring it back.

Speaker 1: 

So when I had my disposal income for my wants, I would spend it. I’m so grateful that I have it. Of course, I would have my gratitude. I’m so grateful that I have this to buy a Starbucks. I’m so grateful that I have this to buy a new wardrobe. I’m so grateful that I have this to buy this expensive-ass skincare that I have been dying to get for so long. I am so grateful that I’m able to give this money to my children or buy these things for my grandchildren, and I would spend the money, because every time I release money, money comes back to me. Then, once I felt comfortable with that, I increased it. Every time I release money, money comes back to me tenfold. Every time I release money, money comes back to me tenfold.

Speaker 1: 

So, working within your actions, making sure your actions are matching what it is that you are trying to manifest. So if you’re trying to manifest wealth for needs and wants, you can’t handle your needs and then think I’m going to hold on to the rest of it. No, the universe gave it to you already. You have it for your wants. If everything’s taken care of, be grateful for it and let your actions match that. When you’re in alignment, these actions, they don’t feel like chores, they feel natural and they feel like the obvious next step. Because I think a lot of times we overthink this and it is an abstract Manifestation can feel very abstract To me. To me it’s not, but I am very logical, I have a logical mind, I know how the brain works. To me this is not abstract at all, but to some people, it can feel very abstract. When things feel abstract and then we start to overthink, then it feels like chores because we’re thinking, oh I gotta figure this out, I gotta figure this out, I gotta figure this out.

Speaker 1: 

Once you get in the habit of your thoughts, emotions and actions lining up, it just becomes natural. I want you to think of all the things that we do that are natural in our day, based on our limiting beliefs, that we align our thoughts, emotions and actions to. When it rains, it pours, when one bad thing happens, do you have the thought oh my God, when it rains, it pours, I wonder what’s going to happen next. Then you automatically have an emotion of dread and then your actions are reflecting that and how you’re moving through the world and what you’re doing. We do it all the time, very naturally, because we’re aligned to whatever it is that we believe. So when you are aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions and you’re creating these new beliefs, it becomes natural. It just feels like the obvious next step. Your thought elicits an emotion, which elicits how you act in the world. You can have an emotion that elicits a thought and then you oomph it out. That’s just how we are, that’s just how we’re built. It’s getting those things in line.

Speaker 1: 

There was a moment when something happened to me back in August and I got a terrible phone call. I took a moment because I don’t believe in suppression. So I took a moment and I was like that really sucks. And I said you know what this other person’s actions are not my actions and I don’t have to take them on. So I’m going to keep moving through my life, aligning my thoughts, emotions and actions to my desires and I’m not going to let this outside circumstance. That is, it’s not directed to me, but it is connected to me. But I’m not going to let that slow me down and things have been just going great. They’re going great. So I didn’t suppress it, I felt it. I literally went in my closet, laid on the floor and cried like a baby for an hour and then I got back in alignment. Because we need to do that, we need to feel what we feel and then get back into alignment, to realign when being aware. So I just want to. You know, we don’t suppress, but we do get in alignment.

Speaker 1: 

When things happen that can knock us out of alignment, we don’t ignore them, we acknowledge them, we process them and then we go back to alignment. And what is our alignment? It’s our thoughts, them, we process them and then we go back to alignment. And what is our alignment? It’s our thoughts, emotions and actions. How are we thinking, feeling and showing up in this world?

Speaker 1: 

The last thing I want to address today is the passive waiting trap, and that’s when we set an intention and we do nothing. We think well, I’ll put into the universe. So now I just sit back and wait. And that’s wrong. The universe is your co-creator, not your fairy godmother. Sitting around and doing nothing is a surefire way to manifest nothing. You have to meet the universe halfway by taking aligned action. It’s not about forcing things to happen or micromanaging every detail. It’s about showing up for yourself and your desires every day, in small, consistent ways. The beauty of it is when you’re in alignment. Those small actions do not feel like hard work. They feel exciting because they’re leading you to what you really want.

Speaker 1: 

The best example I have of this, when I think of the passive waiting trap, is you say I am going to win the lottery. Oh, my God, this is what it would be like to win the lottery. Oh, yes, and you’re thinking about it and you’re daydreaming about what it would be like and what you would do with the money. This is what it is to win the lottery. Then you never buy a lottery ticket. You’re missing a piece of the puzzle. That’s the missing piece.

Speaker 1: 

The rest of the alignment is the action. Go buy the lottery ticket If you’re thinking it, if you’re feeling it and you believe that you’re going to win it. But you never go buy a lottery ticket. That’s asking the universe to just drop something in your lap like a fairy godmother. Go buy the lottery ticket. Best action.

Speaker 1: 

What if you buy the lottery ticket but you’re like I am never going to win the lottery. The odds are not in my favor. You’re missing the emotions and the thoughts. So I just want you to understand that the passive trap is that waiting and wishing and hoping instead of knowing that the universe will deliver and that you’re doing your part and the universe is doing its part. Well, shannon, how’s the universe doing its part if I’m doing the thoughts, emotions and actions? How is it co-creating? Because it’s giving you possibilities you didn’t think of. Maybe you’re buying a lottery ticket and you’re taking the action, and then somebody gives you a lottery ticket for Christmas, and that’s the one you actually, you know, hit the jackpot on, or you just know. Doesn’t matter what the odds are. The universe is going to deliver. Regardless of the odds, the universe will meet you halfway. The universe can bring things to you in unexpected ways, but you can’t just be sitting on your couch or laying in your bed all day thinking it’s just going to magically occur. It’s a balance.

Speaker 1: 

So your challenge for this week is to start noticing where you may be out of alignment. Are your thoughts supporting your desires or are they full of doubt? Are your emotions aligned with what you’re trying to manifest or are they stuck in fear and worry? And are you taking actions that feel inspired and aligned or are you waiting for the universe to drop things in your lap? I want you to take some time to think about this Journal, about it. Write down what do you want, how do you feel and what small actions could you take to start moving towards your desire?

Speaker 1: 

Remember that manifesting isn’t magic, but it is something you create when you align your thoughts, emotions and actions If you want to master manifesting without the overwhelm. In my Manifesting Made Simple Masterclass, I teach you my proven, systematic approach to manifesting using clarity, identifying limiting beliefs, replacing them and aligning with your desires. You’ll get the background you need and the practical methods to implement alignment in 20 minutes or less a day. This is the blueprint for real, lasting results. Grab your free spot by clicking the link in the show notes or visit LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. Forward slash manifest. I will chat with you guys next Wednesday.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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