In this Episode

In this episode, dive deep into the concept of wealth and how to attract it without the constant grind of hustle culture. If you’ve ever felt like you have to work harder and longer to bring in more money, this episode is for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Debunking the Hustle Myth: Why nonstop hustling blocks the flow of money and creates resistance to attracting wealth.
  • Money Mindset Foundations: How your beliefs about money, shaped by society and childhood experiences, influence your financial reality.
  • Attracting Wealth with Ease: The importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, where money flows effortlessly.
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: How to identify and replace outdated beliefs about money that may be holding you back.
  • Aligning with Abundance: Learn how to align your energy with the flow of wealth, opening yourself up to receiving money in unexpected ways.

Tune in to start shifting your mindset and manifesting wealth with ease!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your practical manifestation coach, and today we are tackling the topic that’s on many people’s mind money Specifically, how to attract wealth without falling into the trap of constant hustle. If you ever felt like you had to work harder and harder to bring in more money, this episode is for you. We’re gonna explore how your mindset around money can either attract abundance or keep it at bay. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s dive into how to attract money effortlessly into your life. Let’s start by debunking one of the biggest myths out there the idea that the only way to attract wealth is through nonstop hustle. Society has conditioned us to believe that if we’re not constantly on the grind, then we’re not doing enough. Especially these days, it’s very common to have a side hustle. Right, you have your main job and you have your side hustle to have more wealth in your life. The truth is that this mindset can actually block the flow of money in your life. When you’re constantly focused on hustling, you’re operating from a place of lack, a fear that if you slow down, the money will stop coming. It’s a fear of missing out that if you’re not always on the grind, then you’re leaving money on the table. This myth exemplifies the idea that money can only come through work. You have to trade time for wealth, hours for dollars. This myth is telling the universe that the only way wealth can come to you is through you giving more in work. This creates resistance and stress, which are the exact opposite of the energy that you need to attract wealth. These myths truly are limiting beliefs that are perpetuated by society, where we feel like we have to constantly be going to get money. Once again, going back to that lack of feeling like you’re missing out. If I’m not constantly hustling and grinding, I’m missing out on money because I have to go get it In manifestation. One of the things that we like to say is I don’t chase, I attract. When you’re out there constantly hustling, you’re chasing the money. You’re not attracting the money. You want to manifest so you can attract things into your life effortlessly. You want to bring it to, you attract it. When you’re out there hustling, you’re chasing it.

Speaker 1: 

Your money mindset is the foundation of your financial reality. It’s made up of beliefs, attitudes and feelings about money, many which are formed in childhood. So we have these societal ones, these big ones about hustling and grinding and that your hours are worth a certain amount of money. So with that idea of my hours are worth a certain amount of money, then that means if I get another degree, if I get a certification, if I apply for different jobs like maybe I can get the job that pays the most. But then there may be a scarcity mindset that only a few make it to the top. So these societal ideas can then start to merge with ideas that are formed in childhood on trees or you have to work hard for every single penny. Hard work pays off All of these things. There may be things in your childhood that say money is only for the select few. So you have these societal beliefs about money and then you have individual mindsets about money and beliefs, attitudes, feelings about money that were formed in childhood that create beliefs in you. These beliefs are probably still influencing you today. So to attract wealth with ease, it’s essential to shift these limiting beliefs to one that align with abundance and ease. A healthy money mindset is about believing that money flows to you easily and effortlessly, that you deserve wealth and that there’s more than enough to go around. When you adopt this mindset, you begin to see opportunities for wealth that don’t involve endless hustle culture, you start to trust that money can come to you in unexpected ways and that you don’t have to sacrifice your wellbeing to achieve financial success.

Speaker 1: 

A lot of people say money can’t buy happiness. I disagree with that, but that may be something that you were told in childhood. That is something else that we say in society. Money can’t buy happiness. Money can buy you a hell of a lot less stress. Money can buy you the experiences you want to have in this life, because money is just an exchange. We exchange money. That is what we do in this life. If you want to go on a vacation and have that experience, it’s going to cost you money. If you want to buy the new purse at the store that makes you feel good, it’s going to cost you money. You want to pay your bills on time so you don’t have financial stress of bills. That cost money but that also makes you happy.

Speaker 1: 

I remember what it was like when I lived paycheck to paycheck versus where I am now. I had stress so much stress when I lived paycheck to paycheck. That wasn’t a way to live. So money bought me happiness because it removed the stress of not being able to pay my bills. So, yeah, money can buy happiness.

Speaker 1: 

There’s a caveat to that and if you’re always hustling and grinding and stressed out, trying to get every little dollar, then you’re not going to be happy with that money because you’re chasing it, you’re not attracting it, you’re burnt out, you’re overwhelmed, you’re tired, you’re not enjoying life because you’re spending it all chasing the next dollar. So that’s where the difference happens. Money can bring happiness and maybe you are happy that you can pay your bills, even if you’re working three jobs and I’m thinking like side hustles and stuff but at the other part you’re really not happy because, yeah, you’re making the money but you don’t ever really have time to enjoy it. So it’s a balance. It’s a way of feeling and knowing that things come to you with ease, that money comes to me with ease. That you guys might think I’m crazy if you’re not at this point in your manifestation journey yet that’s okay.

Speaker 1: 

I was not here in the beginning of my manifestation journey. If you told me it back then I would have told you that you’re nuts. But I tell myself that I get paid to exist. I’m just here and I get paid to exist. That’s what I believe. Now I get paid to exist and I do. I exist in my own way. But when I started it wasn’t like that. I had to shift a lot of my money mindsets to get to this point. So when I tell you guys that manifestation is an evolution, that’s what I mean. You evolve as you go when you’re moving through limiting beliefs.

Speaker 1: 

Many times, with limiting beliefs, especially about money, we need to start with the societal ones, because they’re shoved in our face all the time, and then it’s a lot easier to deal with the ones that have been instilled in you from childhood. And you can move beyond that to go even further, however further you want to go. So it’s shifting that mindset. How do you start to shift that money mindset? It really begins with awareness, paying attention to the thoughts and feelings that come up when you think about money. Are they rooted in fear and scarcity or in abundance and possibility? From there you can start to consciously replace those old limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones. This takes time. You are going to start to manifest, and I’m just going to tell you about my own journey, and it was just piece by piece. But each piece that you gain in manifestation, each time you attract, it’s easier to believe that you’re going to attract more. As we talked about last week, belief is really important. What I believe determines what I attract. Because why? That subconscious? 95% is the manifesting part. Your subconscious is manifesting 95% of your life. So what do I believe? Give me a little piece of that belief and then I can grow it.

Speaker 1: 

When I started, I just wanted to go from living paycheck to paycheck to having a little bit of extra disposable income every month. And I got to that place. Once again. I was not in a place of, oh, I get paid to exist. I don’t know where the money comes from, I just get paid to exist. Now I don’t even think about it. Back then I did think about how was this money going to come to me? I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck. What can I manifest? And at the time it was manifesting a better job. I want to manifest a better job so that I can have some disposable income every single month. That’s what happened as I grew.

Speaker 1: 

Then I was able to move past that, that it wasn’t about the dollars and working for the dollars, and I think that’s one of the hardest ones to move past, because that’s how our society is set up, that you work for your money. You may say, shannon, well, if you don’t work for your money, then how else does it come to you? I’ve gotten gifts of money. I have checks coming in the mail from all kinds of places. I’m not going to go into all of my personal finances here, but money comes to me from about five to six different directions continually. Like I said, gifts somebody was thinking about me bonuses I didn’t even know was coming, that I didn’t have to work for, things of that nature. Just being open to the possibilities. I think that’s one of the hardest things, because we want to think with our logical mind like how is this going to come to me? Because how do we think money comes to us? Money comes to us from work. Money comes to us from the lottery. Money comes to us from, you know, inheritances. But I don’t want to limit the universe, I’m just going to let it bring it to me.

Speaker 1: 

But I had to shift little by little and I had to look at well, where are my money beliefs? What are they rooted in? You see, when I grew up, I was taught you had to rob Peter to pay Paul, which meant you weren’t even really living paycheck to paycheck because you were taking money and not paying one bill so you could pay another bill and you had to know which cycles they were on so stuff didn’t get disconnected. And that was a thought process that I had to get over that I can pay all my bills on time. That was a big step for me, that I could pay all of my bills on time and I would be okay. So you have to really look at where do you need to shift your money mindset. Just start with awareness, just being aware. Then you can start to consciously replace those limiting beliefs where I would tell myself I can pay all my bills on time, I don’t have to wait to pay one bill to pay another bill, I can simply pay all my bills on time.

Speaker 1: 

So remember that attracting wealth really isn’t about working harder. It’s about aligning your energy with abundance. I would say another story I have is that when I went on this journey and I was wanting to align to abundance, my bills were about $5,000 a month and I just started aligning to abundance. For some reason they became less than 3,000 and I hadn’t paid off any debts. I hadn’t done anything different. But how did? When I was writing out my bills, that used to be 5,000 something. When I was writing out my bills, that used to be $5,000 something. When I wrote them out now they were less than $3,000.

Speaker 1: 

That was abundance, that was money, because then I had almost $2,000 of disposable income every single month. It didn’t mean I was out there earning more money, I wasn’t earning anything, I just aligned to the energy of abundance. So when you do that, you open yourself up to receiving monies in ways that are going to feel more natural and more effortless. There was zero effort for me to go into that to get this extra $1,000 a month. $2,000 a month, there was no. It just felt natural. Like, okay, well, that’s my bills. I know I can pay my bills on time and I’m aligning with abundance. And now, for some reason, my bills. I know I can pay my bills on time and I’m aligning with abundance. And now, for some reason, my bills aren’t as much as they used to be. It’s amazing. I don’t have to know how it happened, I don’t have to go into it and try to dissect it. I’m thankful for the abundance.

Speaker 1: 

Shifting your money mindset is the powerful first step to manifesting wealth with ease. We have to really think about am I aligning to abundance and what thoughts am I having that are getting in the way of that? Like I said, start where you are and then go from there. I’m going to be going into more details and more techniques that you can use to shift your mindset with manifesting wealth in the All Access Pass podcast that you can get by clicking the link in the show description. Not only are you gonna get more in-depth techniques that you can use, you’re also gonna get a monthly Q&A where you can ask specific questions to your manifestation journey and have them answered. So if you wanna start manifesting more, you can grab the All Access Pass as well. Until next week, keep aligning, keep manifesting and I will chat with you next Wednesday.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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