In this Episode

If you’ve ever wondered why some manifesting methods only work temporarily, this episode breaks down the four essential steps I use for my clients in the Manifest She™ 1:1 Coaching Program

Clarity, Identification, Replacement, and Alignment.

Learn how to:

  • Gain clarity on what you want (and don’t want) to set a clear signal to the universe.
  • Identify the limiting beliefs holding you back.
  • Replace those blocks with empowering beliefs that align with your desires.
  • Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to create a powerful manifesting force.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to manifest wealth, health, and joy consistently and sustainably. Ready to take your manifesting journey to the next level? Tune in now!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 0: 

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your practical manifestation coach, and today we’re diving into the heart of what makes manifestation work, not just once in a while, but consistently and sustainably. If you’ve been wondering why some manifestation methods seem to click for a moment and then fizzle out, it might be because they lack a systematic approach. In this episode, I’m going to introduce you to my four-step manifestation process that I have developed and I use with my clients to help you get the lasting change you’re looking for. While using a systematic approach is essential to manifesting, adding your unique spin is equally as important. How you apply the systematic approach should work with you authentically, just like if you were going to get physically healthy. You focus on foods and cardio weightlifting. The way you implement those into your life may look different than someone else, but the results are the same a well-cared-for body. The same is true for manifesting. So the components we’re going to talk about today are needed, but they may look different to you than somebody else and how you apply them in your life especially when we get to step four, when we’re talking about that how that looks for you may be different than how it looks for somebody else. So today we’re going to talk about the components of the system needed to manifest so that you can have the wealth, health and joy that you desire consistently in your life. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s dive in.

Speaker 0: 

The first step to manifesting anything is clarity. You can’t attract what you want if you don’t know what it is. Clarity is getting to the specifics about your desires, knowing exactly what you want, why you want it and how it aligns with your values. When you’re clear about your intentions, then that signal to the universe is unmistakable, making it easier for your desires to manifest. Clarity isn’t about just defining your desires. It’s understanding what you don’t want. Sometimes the process of getting clear involves identifying and letting go of things that don’t truly align with who you are. That step’s crucial because it sets the foundation for everything else. So this could look like I want a high-paying job. You know what you want, but that’s still vague, or it might have things in there that you don’t want. You know you don’t want to work constantly because you enjoy family, friends and your hobbies. So clarity is understanding both these aspects what you want and what you don’t want. Then you create the intention I want a high-paying job that allows for me to have time flexibility to engage in other areas of my life. So, in essence, your don’t want is a job that’s going to take all of your time. You do want is a job that pays you well and gives you that flexibility.

Speaker 0: 

Once you have clarity, then the next thing you have to do is to identify the limiting beliefs and patterns that might be standing in your way. We all have subconscious blocks, those hidden beliefs that tell us we’re not worthy, we’re not capable, we’re not deserving of what we want, or maybe that it’s impossible in our current society. The key is to overcome those blocks and bring them to light, to identify them, so you can start the process of transforming them. This step is all about self-awareness. It’s about taking an honest look at your current beliefs and habits and understanding how they’ve shaped your reality. There’s many episodes I’ve done on limiting beliefs that you can check out. What I want you to understand in this phase is that a limiting belief doesn’t mean you have a character flaw or that there’s something wrong with you. Limiting beliefs are simply beliefs that no longer serve you. They were things that you were taught that you believe to be true, but they don’t serve you. So you need to change that belief. They’re limiting you, they’re getting in your way. Manifestation is all about what do you believe, and so if you believe something contrary to your desire or your intention, that is why it blocks you. That is why it is the block, because your belief is what’s going to bring that intention forward into your reality. So without this awareness, it’s really easy to get stuck into old patterns, even when you’re clear about what you want.

Speaker 0: 

Society has presented that a high-paying job means working from dawn until dusk, being busy, that idea of the busy professional. Maybe you have a limiting belief that the only way to have the high-paying job you want is to sacrifice other areas of your life. That belief would directly block the intention of a high-paying job that allows for you to have time flexibility to engage in other areas of your life. So in this example you know we set that intention I want a high-paying job that allows for me to have time flexibility. The limiting belief part two is well, high-pay, paying jobs means I’m always busy and I don’t have time for anything else. That’s the limit. So now that’s blocking that intention. So you’ve identified it. And after you identify that limiting belief. The next step, step number three, is to replace it with an empowering belief. This is where your work starts to really begin and take shape, shifting your mindset from that lack or that limitation to the abundance or the possibility of what you want.

Speaker 0: 

Replacing limiting beliefs isn’t about ignoring them or pretending they don’t exist Around this camp. We don’t suppress and we don’t ignore. We don’t do that. That’s just not what I teach. That’s not what I’m about. Suppression usually means that we’re going to think about it more. The more you try to suppress something, the more you’re thinking about how you don’t want it there, so the more you’re actually thinking about it, and that goes against how to manifest. So, instead of doing that, it’s about consciously choosing a new belief that aligns with your desires and supports your manifesting journey.

Speaker 0: 

This part of the process is where you’re simply determining the opposite of your limiting belief and rephrasing it to a new belief that you want to develop. This is where you say, okay, this belief is blocking me, so what’s the opposite of that? How do I remove that? How do I get rid of that with a different belief? For our example, instead of saying all high-paying professionals must work, all the time you can change it to. There are high-paying jobs that can be done in 40 hours or less per week. There are high-paying jobs that allow me to still enjoy my life. You’re just saying what goes against this limitation? What do I want to believe instead? This is all you’re doing at this step. There’s nothing else to do at this step. So you identify your intention, what’s getting in your way, and now you’re saying, okay, this belief is getting in my way, so I need to believe this instead. This is what I need to change my belief to.

Speaker 0: 

Then you can go into step four, which is alignment, and alignment is the true work of manifesting. This is where you’re aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions to come together to create a powerful manifesting force. Alignment means living in a way that’s consistent with your new empowering belief. It’s about taking inspired action, making choices that reflect your new beliefs and standing open to opportunities that come your way. Being open to opportunities that come your way, being open to new possibilities, not settling. Alignment is about maintaining the right energy, keeping your vibration in the same lane as what you’re trying to attract. A lot of people call that vibration high. Really, you want your vibration to just be in line with what you’re trying to attract. You want to be on the same wavelength of what you’re trying to attract and staying focused on your intentions even when challenges arise. That step is what turns your desire into reality, bringing everything full circle.

Speaker 0: 

The process can involve using tools like affirmations, visualizations, meditations and journaling to reinforce your new belief, because you’re trying to change your belief and you can only do that with repetition and reinforcement. The more you engage in your new belief, the more it becomes your default way of thinking. Our subconscious is responsible for 95% of what we do throughout our day the vibration, the track that we’re on. That’s 95% done in the subconscious. So you have to reinforce your belief so that it goes into that 95%. So it’s your default way of thinking. So you’re defaulting to that vibration.

Speaker 0: 

Going back to our example, to align to the belief that you can have a high-paying job that allows you to have time flexibility for all areas of your life, you might want to engage in visualization practices for your alignment. You may see yourself, with the pay you desire, what it looks like to go to work and leave on time doing other things you enjoy. You would bring your emotions into that. What does that feel like for you. You would bring your actions into that by saying no to jobs that go against that belief. Maybe it has the high pay but it doesn’t have the time you’re looking for. Maybe it has the time you’re looking for but not the pay you’re looking for. So your inspired action would be no, I’m staying open to the possibility. I’m not going to take that one because that’s not my desire. Or maybe it’s just not applying to jobs that have those requirements because it doesn’t fit your desire. That’s your inspired action.

Speaker 0: 

So your thoughts, emotions and actions stay aligned to that clarity, to that new empowering belief. You know what’s getting in your way. So what actions are you going to take that are the opposite? Maybe in the past you would have just taken any old job, just to take a job, but now you’re like no, no, no, I’m going to take the job that is aligning to my desires. I’m not going to settle. And you’re aligning in that action, in what you’re doing, with your thoughts, your emotions and your action. You know what it’s going to look like, you know how it’s going to feel and the actions you take are going to align to those things that allows the universe to bring you those opportunities to bring to you what you want. You don’t have to know every little detail. It’s not about every little detail and doing a step-by-step smart goal. That’s not it. We can all do smart goals and get things in life, but if you want bigger opportunities and to manifest, you have to let go of the how. You know what you want, you know why you want it, you know what it’s going to feel like and you’re going to let the universe deliver it to you.

Speaker 0: 

This four-step process of clarity, identification, replacement and alignment is the systematic approach to manifesting to help you create lasting change. Because you have to, number one, know what you want so you can be very clear with the universe. You have to know what frequency you’re trying to get on. You have to know what’s getting in your way, you have to replace it and you have to align. You have to let those new beliefs take hold. Each step builds on the one before it, making it easier to stay on track and to achieve your desires. Now, if you want to go deeper into this process, then make sure you grab the all-access pass. You can get it at livelifeunapologeticallycom forward slash access or you can click the link in the show description. Not only will you get a more in-depth look at this process, but you’ll also get monthly Q&As to answer your specific questions, and so much more. This week, find clarity, identify any beliefs, replace them and start your alignment to your desires. I’ll chat with you next.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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