In this Episode

Hey beautiful souls, today we’re diving into a topic that we all encounter on our manifestation journey—setbacks. Last week, we focused on building consistency, but what happens when life throws us off track? In this episode, we’ll explore what setbacks are, why they happen, and most importantly, how they don’t mean you’ve failed or need to start over.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why setbacks are a natural part of the manifestation process
  • How to recognize setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than failure
  • Strategies to get back on track without losing momentum
  • The importance of self-compassion in overcoming setbacks and maintaining consistency

Grab your favorite drink, cozy up, and let’s get started on reframing setbacks in a way that keeps you moving forward. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered to embrace any bumps in the road and continue your journey with confidence.

Don’t forget to check out the All-Access Pass to the Live Life Unapologetically Premium podcast for even more insights and exclusive content. Enjoy the episode!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. This is the podcast for women ready to master manifesting for good. I’m Shannon, your practical manifestation coach, and today we’re exploring the topic of setbacks in your manifestation practice what they are, why they happen and, most importantly, how. They don’t mean that you failed or you need to start over. We’ve talked about consistency and the importance of it throughout this series, but that doesn’t mean things don’t happen or come up. Plus, we’re human and not everything is going to be perfect. Consistency absolutely matters, but it would be a disservice to you if I pushed a perfect narrative and didn’t acknowledge day-to-day life Within the consistency journey. It is important to understand what to do when our consistency falters, because it does at some point for all of us. Let’s take the pressure off perfect so that we can be consistent even when we get off track. Grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started. The first thing we have to talk about are what are setbacks and why do setbacks happen? It’s important to note that setbacks are an inevitable part of any growth process, including your manifestation journey. They are moments when things don’t go as planned, but they’re not indicators of failure. Just because you experience a setback doesn’t mean all your hard work was for nothing. I truly believed this at the beginning of my manifestation journey that if I had one off day, one off thought, that everything I had done up until that point was thrown out the window and I had to start all over, always going back to ground zero. This happened because there was so much manifesting advice and things that I had read in books from other experts that talked about how you had to keep your thoughts aligned at all times, and what you think is what brings about what you want to manifest. One random thought about something that was negative or didn’t feel so good or wasn’t aligned would mean that you were going to attract the bad thing and that all the good stuff. Well, you just replaced it with that one bad thought, when that is not the case. We know how our brains work. We talk about it all the time on this podcast.

Speaker 1: 

You attract what you believe. What is in your life is based on beliefs, your thoughts, emotions and actions, and the repetition of them in alignment with what you want to believe is what allows you to manifest. So one errant thought that is negative or not aligned, one bad day, doesn’t mean that your hard work was for nothing and that all that consistency that you’ve had up until this point was worthless and you have to start over again. I really feel called to say that in this space, because in the manifestation space it is very much about always having the right thoughts, always being aligned. You have to keep your vibration in tune with that which you’re trying to attract and you do. But it’s a practice, it’s something we learn Once again beliefs, it’s just repetition. You’re repeatedly aligning with what you desire to replace that which you don’t. It’s a process and it doesn’t mean you failed and it doesn’t mean you have to do it all over again.

Speaker 1: 

Think about it like this Say you’re handwriting a story, you’re writing in a journal, you have your pencil and you’re writing everything down. You get to page 20 of what you’re writing and you mess up and you make a spelling error. Do you go back and rewrite all 20 of those pages or do you just erase the spelling error and continue moving forward? So when I tell you that your setbacks don’t mean that all your hard work was for nothing, that is what I mean. You just get back on track. That’s it.

Speaker 1: 

Setbacks happen for various reasons. It could be losing motivation. It can be feeling overwhelmed, unexpected life events. You might hit a plateau. Just understanding the nature of setbacks can help you see them as a natural part of the journey, not a signal to start over. I want you to think of setbacks as things that might be within our control and things that are not in our control.

Speaker 1: 

One of my clients was doing some work and she got COVID and she’s had COVID really bad for the past couple weeks. Now she’s starting to come over it. How can we expect that if we are sick or something comes up like of that nature, that we’re going to keep with the same practices? She still had children to take care of, a home to take care of, work to think about. She was doing her best to get through the day and trying to let her body heal. So things come up in life, right, our kids get sick. We may just lose motivation for whatever that reason is, but we just need to understand why do they happen? That’s why they happen. This is why setbacks happen. Sometimes, yeah, it’s within our control, but other times it’s not. So just understanding that it’s natural. It’s so natural. It’s not a signal you’re starting over. Remember we’re not starting over. We’re going to keep going with our consistency, just like we had to erase that journal, that misspelling in the journal, but we’re still going forward, so not starting over.

Speaker 1: 

How do we address setbacks when we’re talking about manifestation Really setbacks when we’re manifesting in our manifestation practices? These are learning opportunities. They’re indicators, they’re things that can help us, things that can bring about some self-awareness. So, rather than viewing it as negative, just let it be an opportunity for growth. Any setback you encounter offers a chance for reflection, to learn something new or to simply adjust your approach.

Speaker 1: 

You may have gone diligently into doing daily affirmations, but then life got busy. Right, we’re talking about how we’re going into the busy part of the year and you missed a week. Instead of thinking you failed, you could use it as a chance to reassess whether your affirmations were still aligned with your current intentions or if they just need tweaking. Like I’m doing my affirmations, my life gets busy and they’re not so motivating for me anymore because everything else is taking my attention, like how can I adjust my affirmations to hold my attention and how can I adjust my schedule so that I can get those affirmations in? You see, you’re just adjusting your approach. So what you missed a week. That’s a great indicator that you need to adjust your approach Not stop, not quit, not start over, to just adjust.

Speaker 1: 

During all this, I want to impress upon you that self-compassion is key. It is crucial, crucial, crucial. To practice self-compassion. When you encounter a setback, when you get off track, be kind to yourself. When you’re kind to yourself, it’s a whole lot easier to get back on track and continue your journey without feeling like you have to start over. If you’re sitting there beating yourself up and beating yourself up, you’re going to feel even shittier, you’re going to have way less motivation and it’s going to take you a lot longer to get back on track. When you have self-compassion, you can get back to that consistency a lot faster.

Speaker 1: 

So if you’ve been meditating every morning but then you had a few stressful days, you’re just skipping it. You’re not feeling it. Don’t be hard on yourself. Remind yourself. Everybody has off days. Acknowledge that you needed a break and tomorrow is a new day. You can pick up where you left off.

Speaker 1: 

I use this example because if you’ve been around here for a little bit, you know I love meditation and I really love visualization. But meditation is my go-to manifestation practice. It just resonates with me so much. Last week was a really rough week. Things happened. It was very stressful. Good things and not so great things happened last week. I was all over the place.

Speaker 1: 

I did not do any of my explicit manifestation practices, like I usually do. I usually meditate for about 45 minutes to an hour every single day and sometimes I’ll throw on an additional like 20 minute one in the evening. I didn’t do any of that. I just had to acknowledge that there were some things going on. I didn’t beat myself up. I did ask myself to be more mindful, to integrate other things, since I didn’t have time to do my meditation like usual, but I didn’t give up.

Speaker 1: 

There would have been a time, like I told you when I first started, there would have been a time where I thought, oh my gosh, I have to start my manifestation journey all over again. No, I didn’t have to do that. I can pick right back up today, which is what I’m doing, which I’m recording this on Monday. So it’s actually Monday. I’m gonna pick that back up. But I had to give myself some time and that it’s okay. I needed a break from all things to deal with something else. It’s a new day. We don’t have to be hard on ourselves Self-compassion as you go through your consistency journey, being consistent with your practices.

Speaker 1: 

You’ve probably developed a routine by now, going through the other episodes, understanding why it’s important and getting yourself on a consistency track. And that’s why I wanted to jump right into what happens when you have setbacks, because a lot of times, especially when we start something new, we are very consistent because we’re very motivated in the beginning, right but then that motivation might wane or, like I said, things just may come up that are out of your control. Maybe they are in your control and just life. We’re talking about busy life. One of the reasons last week life was so busy for me is because my son started his senior year. We had a scrimmage game for football that took a lot of time. We had team photos, photos of the senior football players with their moms. First event is something that they have at their school that goes late at night. So just a lot of things going on, plus another family situation that was going on in my life. So we are getting into a busy season.

Speaker 1: 

I know not everybody across our nation has started school, but kids are going to be starting school. They’re going to need things. You have, like I said, the holidays coming up, which is why we’re doing this series now, so we can start to try to be consistent when things happen. We know, okay, this is a setback, how can I get back on track If you recognize that it’s a possibility that could happen, and have the tools to already know what to do when it does happen, it makes getting back on track easier, and that’s why I wanted to make sure I talked about setbacks, because I don’t want you to try to have something that’s so perfect that you judge yourself if you get a little bit off track, but know that you can get yourself back on track.

Speaker 1: 

So I want you to take a moment to reflect on any setbacks that you’ve encountered in your manifestation practice so far. Do remind yourself that this does not define your progress, but just reflecting on any kind of setbacks that you’ve seen, what was the situation? How did that setback make you feel and what did you learn from it? Or are you learning from it now through this consistency series and that you can get back on track? But what did you learn? Did you learn that you bit off more than you could chew and you tried to do too much too soon, or did you learn that maybe the practice you chose didn’t resonate with you? Maybe you were sitting there trying to journal every day, but you rather would have been doing affirmations? What did you learn from your experience and how can you use that insight to move forward with self-compassion, but also using that insight to help you to be consistent in your manifestation journey, going forward?

Speaker 1: 

Setbacks are a natural part of the manifestation journey and they don’t mean you failed or that you have to start over. I can’t say that enough, I can’t stress that enough. I really want you to internalize that, because it’s going to happen. It’s what we do when they happen. It doesn’t matter that the setback happened, it matters what we do with it. So embrace the setbacks, reflect on them with self-compassion and keep moving forward. If you want to go deeper into this specific topic and other manifesting deep dives, then grab the All Access Pass today. So the All Access Pass gives you in-depth insights, extended resources, you get monthly Q&As and so much more. We take what we learned in the podcast and we extend on it into the premium podcast, going much deeper into those insights. You can get that today by going to LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. Forward slash access or by clicking the link in the show description.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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