In this Episode

Hey beautiful souls, today we’re diving deep into the world of consistency in your manifestation practice. I’m sharing why consistency matters and how it can transform your manifesting journey to kick-off the Consistency in Manifestation Series!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The essential role of consistency in successful manifestation
  • How building momentum through daily practices reinforces new neural pathways
  • Ways to overcome resistance and make new practices a natural part of your routine
  • Strategies to achieve predictable results with consistent efforts
  • Simple daily habits to build consistency, even during busy times

Grab your favorite drink, cozy up, and let’s start this series off with understanding why consistency matters. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered and ready to manifest the life you’ve always wanted. Don’t forget to check out the All-Access Pass to the Live Life Unapologetically Premium podcast for even more insights and exclusive content. Enjoy the episode!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, the best podcast for women who are ready to master manifestation for good. I am Shannon, your practical manifestation coach, here to guide you on a journey to live an abundant life. In today’s episode, we’re diving into why consistency matters in your manifestation practice. As I was speaking with a client this weekend, we were chatting about how consistency can be a challenge when life is just being life. This time of year is starting off to a busy season of being pulled in different directions. For those with kiddos, school is starting. Then you have the end of the year holidays that come sweeping through Halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new Year’s and those are just some, not all. Plus, there may be birthday parties, anniversaries and other things in the midst of the end of the year season. Everyone’s life is different and there are events and holidays that represent each of us uniquely, but there is no question that the end of the year starts to become hectic. I myself was putting a few things on my calendar for when my son starts school and there was sage green all over it, because I color-coded my calendar and that’s his color, sage green. And that is just one area of my life. There are so many more things that are ticking up in my life right now.

Speaker 1: 

Before we dig into the busy season, I wanted to bring you a series on consistency to the busy season. I wanted to bring you a series on consistency. This series is going to walk you through consistency in manifestation so that if you’re just getting started, you don’t get overwhelmed and if you’ve been on this path for a while, you don’t get derailed. As always, I will start with the foundation and then we’re going to build up from there. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s start this series off with understanding why consistency matters for manifestation. Because, you see, consistency is essential for successful manifestation. It is what transforms your desires from fleeting thoughts into concrete realities. Without consistency, even the best manifestation techniques can fall flat. Think of consistency like watering a plant you can’t water it once and expect it to thrive. It needs regular attention and care. The same goes for your manifestation practice. Regular, consistent effort helps to rewire your subconscious mind, align your actions with your intentions and maintain a high vibrational state. Remember that manifestation is about reprogramming your subconscious to attract the reality you desire. Our brains have neuroplasticity so they can change, but to make true, lasting change, we have to be consistent in our efforts. Consistency is what is going to allow you to make the changes you’re looking for come into your life. When you’re practicing manifestation consistently, you is going to allow you to make the changes you’re looking for come into your life. When you’re practicing manifestation consistently, you’re going to build momentum. Each day you engage in your practices, you’re reinforcing new neural pathways in your brain, making your new beliefs stronger and more automatic.

Speaker 1: 

When we talk about things being automatic, I want you to think of how many things are automatic in your daily life that were once something you had to learn and practice. Things that come to mind for me are driving, cleaning my house using a smartphone and even styling my hair. When I first learned to do all those things, I had to focus, double-check my efforts and be very careful not to miss any steps or methods. Now I can do these things without even thinking about it. When you can do things automatically, your mind could completely wander to something else and you can still complete the task at hand. Think of how many times you have driven somewhere and can’t remember how you got there. That is automatic In manifestation. We use consistency to become automatic in attracting our desires. I want you to think of all of the automatic things in your life, big and small. What are those things? When you first embarked on learning them, you practiced them consistently so you could learn them. The same thing holds true for manifestation. The consistency of your practice is what’s going to make manifestation stick and become a sustainable way of life.

Speaker 1: 

Consistency also helps to overcome resistance. Way of life. Consistency also helps to overcome resistance. At first you might face inner resistance, doubt, fears or old habits trying to pull you back. By showing up every day, you gradually dissolve the resistance and you make your new practices a natural part of your routine. The new habit is the unknown, so there will be resistance, which is why your brain will try to pull you back into the old, known habits. Being consistent allows you to teach your brain a new known, a new place to be safe. Your brain just needs to know that the new place is okay. Finally, consistent practice leads to predictable results. It’s like exercising or eating healthy the more consistent you are, the more reliable the results you achieve.

Speaker 1: 

I struggled with consistency at first and it showed in my manifestation results. But the more consistent I became, the more consistent I was at being able to shift my reality quickly. If you’ve been here for a while, you know that I don’t believe in quick fixes, because we do have to reprogram our brains. What I do know is, the more consistent you are with your manifestation practice, the quicker you can reprogram your brain in the future so that results come faster. Everything gets easier with time and consistency, like finding clarity, identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and developing new beliefs. These are all skills you can learn through consistent practice.

Speaker 1: 

So I want to talk to you about simple daily habits to build consistency, because you may be thinking how can I build consistency when my life is busy or this time of year is crazy? Maybe life keeps throwing you curveballs? Make consistency a priority first and foremost. Then begin with small, manageable habits. A habit is simply a behavior. That’s it. A habit is something that you believe, so you behave a certain way. Choose one or two practices that you can commit to every day, such as journaling for five minutes or doing quick visualization exercises.

Speaker 1: 

I have a whole series on the podcast that goes through meditation, journaling, visualization, different manifestation techniques and tools. When I first started, I meditated for seven minutes a day. That is all I did until it became a natural part of my daily existence. To make sure that you can stick with your small yet mighty step, try to incorporate your new habit into your daily routine. So find a specific time each day that you can dedicate a few minutes to your manifestation practices. That could be in the morning, it could be during lunch, it can be before bed. I did my meditation as part of my evening routine as I was getting ready for bed. I integrated it in. That’s the thing when you’re doing simple daily manifestation habits using those tools at your disposal, you don’t have to do them all day, every day.

Speaker 1: 

I like the idea of learning to drive a car. When you are learning to drive a car, there were certain times of day that you fit that into your schedule right. You didn’t drive the car from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed, but you still learned, made progress and became an expert. The same thing is true for manifestation. Right, pick a time, be consistent with it, but it doesn’t have to be all day, every day. And I think that’s where a lot of people get lost. They think it has to take a ton of hours and a ton of time for it to be effective. You’re simply reprogramming your brain and learning a skill so you can build up to it. When you are learning to drive you, I don’t know, I’m just gonna go from my own experience. I learned how to go down the street, then I learned how to turn right before I learned to turn left. I did parking, parallel parking, that stuff later so you can build it up, especially at this time of year when we’re busy and distractions come, instead of trying to just do it all all the time. Know that, like for me, my meditation of seven minutes a day. It made a difference. You’re still working towards what you’re trying to do, and seeing your progress with consistency is going to be one hell of a motivator for you.

Speaker 1: 

Use a habit tracker to monitor your progress and y’all this does not have to be anything complicated. I used to have a calendar on my dresser mirror, so each day I did my practice, I would color it green. If I missed a day, I would color it pink. Now I want to point out that this is also a great way to practice self-compassion, which is essential in manifestation as well. So if I had to color a day pink because I missed a day, no big deal, I just let it go and I focused on getting back on track and, honestly, when I looked at the calendar as a whole, there were way more green than pink and it felt so damn good.

Speaker 1: 

You can do this on a digital device. You can do this in a journal Just track your progress in a way that doesn’t make it seem like another chore, but giving you something visual to see. Remember, consistency is a journey, not a destination. So be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it seems in the beginning. So let’s pull all of this together today so that you can have consistency in your manifestation practice all the way through the end of the year.

Speaker 1: 

So remember, the first thing is to choose one simple practice. Decide on something that’s easy and enjoyable, to practice every day for manifestation. So it could be writing down three things you’re grateful for, visualizing your goals for five minutes or saying positive affirmations. Number two is to set a time. So find a specific time each day to do this practice. Once again, it could be in the morning, it can be during a break, when you’re at work, it can be before bed and set a reminder on your phone if you need to. That was a game changer for me was to have an alarm go off that helped me not to forget as I was going throughout my day.

Speaker 1: 

Number three use a habit tracker. You can do the journal. You can have an app that you mark each day. I use the Notes app in my phone a lot for this now. Visual progress can be a very strong motivator. And then number four is I just want you to reflect weekly At the end of each week. Just take a few minutes, y’all. It could be when you’re driving to the grocery store. Remember, you can integrate this into parts of your day. Just reflect on your consistency. What worked well, what challenges did you face and how could you adjust to stay on track?

Speaker 1: 

Consistency is key in manifesting. By building small, manageable daily habits, you can create lasting change and bring your desires into reality. Don’t forget to join me on the next episode where we’ll dive into leveraging your daily routines for manifestation. Next episode where we’ll dive into leveraging your daily routines for manifestation. If you want to go deeper into consistency, then grab the all-access pass. You’re going to get extended content, deeper insights and advanced methods. Plus, you’ll get a monthly Q&A and much more. You can get your all-access pass by clicking the link in the show description or on any of my social media channels.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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