In this Episode

Hey beautiful souls, today we’re diving deep into the world of limiting beliefs. Last week, we explored how to reframe these beliefs without blame or shame. This week, I’m sharing my 5-step process to help you overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The origins of limiting beliefs and how they develop
  • A simple method to identify and explore your limiting beliefs
  • How to create empowering replacement beliefs
  • Strategies to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your new beliefs
  • Tips for staying consistent and making these changes last

Grab your favorite drink, cozy up, and let’s get started on this transformative journey. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered and ready to manifest the life you’ve always wanted. Don’t forget to check out our All-Access Pass to the Live Life Unapologetically Premium podcast for even more insights and exclusive content. Enjoy the episode!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Hey beautiful souls, and welcome to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kay and today we’re going to continue our conversation about limiting beliefs. Last week, we got into reframing the idea of limiting beliefs, with the most important takeaway being that we can address them without blame outward or shame inward. Now, knowing how to overcome limiting beliefs is essential for manifestation, because you’re not going to truly get what you desire with this new belief if you’re holding on to an old belief. Instead, you’re going to continue to feel stuck. You’re going to feel overwhelmed, frustrated with the lack of progress in your manifestation journey. So you’re in the right place today, because I have a five-step process to help you overcome limiting beliefs. We’ll cover everything from understanding what a limiting belief is to staying consistent with new, empowering beliefs. I’ll also give you some things to look out for along the way mistakes I made before I worked out the system. Just follow the steps and by the time you finish step five, you’re going to feel like a pro. You’re going to enjoy greater clarity and have more empowerment. Are you ready? So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started. Step one is understanding how limiting beliefs are developed and once again, we talked about this in the last episode. I just want to recap it because I think it’s very important. Before we try to overcome something, do something different, we have to understand where it comes from in the first place. So, like I said, I’m going to recap it here, go into detail in the previous episode. If you have not heard it, just go back to episode 77 and check it out but I’m going to give you a synopsis today.

Speaker 1: 

Let’s look at some things to understand about the origin of limiting beliefs. Repetition is how they’re formed. Beliefs are formed through repetition. Most of your limiting beliefs were likely formed in childhood through repeated messages and experiences. Then there’s emotion. Recognize that beliefs are strengthened by emotions. That’s why I have the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass. That really goes into emotional awareness. You can grab it in the show description or you can always get it anywhere. You can find me on social media, because if a belief is tied to a strong emotional experience, it’s more likely to stick. So this is important to understand, not only in how limiting beliefs are formed, but also when you’re trying to replace that limiting belief. Emotions are a big power player in the belief process. Then there’s the environment being aware of your environment and the people around you play a significant role in shaping your beliefs. Growing up, you probably really didn’t have much of a choice in your environment right, it was the adults around you but that plays a role in your beliefs how you come up and then going into adulthood. Where are you at? What environments are you in? Those environments play a role.

Speaker 1: 

Let’s look at some examples of how limiting beliefs are formed. If you repeatedly heard or experienced that you weren’t good enough as a child, that message can become ingrained in your subconscious mind, especially if it was accompanied by strong emotions like shame or disappointment. This is how beliefs form, and understanding how you got the limiting ones is also gonna help you to build onto and create the empowering ones. If I know how I got the limiting ones, I can use the same process and it is the same process to create empowering beliefs, because whether it’s limiting or empowering is truly personal and from your perspective. Because what you think limits you, may empower somebody else and vice versa. This is simply how beliefs in general are formed. This is how you got what you got and this is how you move to where you want to go.

Speaker 1: 

The second step is to explore your limiting beliefs, because at this point you’re probably thinking that this is going to be hard. Maybe you’re a little confused. Maybe you’re wondering how do you even identify your limiting beliefs to get started. And if you hang in there, it’s going to make sense, I promise. What we’re doing is pulling all this together into a system that’s going to help to transform your subconscious mind. Start by identifying beliefs that are holding you back. These are often thoughts that make you feel unworthy, incapable or stuck. Acknowledge that these beliefs are just programs in your subconscious mind and that you have repeated it so often. They’ve just become ingrained and then begin to question your beliefs. Are they absolutely true? Where did they come from? Are they serving you in your current life?

Speaker 1: 

I want to give you an example of a lady I worked with one time who she did not want to have children, but she did want to be married, have a life of love, all the things she said. Well, I’m never going to be able to have a husband because I don’t want to have children. That is just a belief that she was exposed to that to be married, you must have kids. You have to have kids to keep your husband. All men want children. So I asked her to begin questioning those beliefs. Is that absolutely true? Where did they come from and is it serving her current life? No, those beliefs were not serving her current life, because she did not want to have children, but she did want to get married. Are they absolutely true? I asked her to name examples of people she knew who were married, that did not have kids and who were happy, and she was able to start naming some and we talked about where they came from in her life.

Speaker 1: 

The reason that step is important is because it will help you achieve a clearer understanding of your subconscious programming and make it easier to replace the beliefs with ones that serve you better. So here’s some tips to move through this step quickly, because I know we all wanna get somewhere quickly. You know I’m not into quick fixes, but you’re gonna be like Shannon, help me out here. I wanna really dig into this. So maybe instead of saying move quickly through it, let’s talk about digging into it. Reflect on your past and take some time to look at your past experiences and the messages you received from family, teachers and peers. Look for patterns in your thoughts and behaviors that may indicate limiting beliefs, and then keep a curious mindset.

Speaker 1: 

This is about understanding, not blaming, because, once again, what we talked about last week, there’s no blame outward, there’s no shame inward. These beliefs just don’t serve you. And the example I gave you the lady that I was working with the belief that a man only wants to be married to a woman who’s going to give him children it just didn’t serve her. It doesn’t mean that she needed to blame other people, it just was what it was. It wasn’t serving her and she worked to move past it. And let me tell you she did move past it. She’s in a wonderful relationship with somebody who’s totally cool, and they don’t want to have kids either. So it worked out for her and it can work for you. You just have to explore it.

Speaker 1: 

When I first started to complete this process, I tried to force new beliefs without understanding my current ones, so I really want you to look out for that. This really led to frustration for me and feeling stuck because I didn’t understand the starting point. Like I didn’t understand where did that belief come from, and I believe in all things. We need understanding just to understand where did it come from. Okay, cool. Now this is why it doesn’t serve me. Instead of trying to force change, take the time to understand your current beliefs, where they came from, and that’s going to help you to shift them easier.

Speaker 1: 

I’m going to tell you there’s so many things. I talk about it on so many episodes. I share these things with you. I think it’s important for me to share with you because so many I’m going to say gurus try to make it like everything’s perfect. It’s not. I still struggle with things and I talk about those struggles throughout the podcast on all kinds of different episodes, on things that I’m still working through. I’ve worked through so many. Remember, manifestation is a journey, not a destination.

Speaker 1: 

When I can understand where things come from, sometimes it’s really silly and that’s why it’s easier for me to overcome them. I had a silly revelation about how I felt like my brother and sister had to be more successful than me, so if any time I was close to their success level, I would shrink back really far to make sure I wasn’t catching up to them. How silly was that? Super silly when I said it out loud. So just understanding them sometimes can make it easier to shift away from them and sometimes I know they’re deep rooted. Sometimes I know they’re not silly, but a lot of times we do have things that limit us. When we say I’m out loud, when we look at where they come from, you kind of shake your head and be like why did I let this hold me back for so long? Are you starting to get excited now? I really hope you are, because we’re just about there. Y’all we’re on number three, so we’re more than halfway. Come on, stay with me Now.

Speaker 1: 

You may be feeling a little bit overwhelmed, thinking you have a lot to go through and process, and that’s normal. Anytime you’re trying something new, it is going to take a moment to process it. Just be patient, stay with it. The next thing you’re going to need to do is decide how you want to replace what is no longer serving you, what belief counteracts or changes the one that is currently limiting you. So you have to decide what you want to believe. What’s that new, empowering belief that you want to replace the limiting one with? Create affirmations based on your new belief. Make sure they are positive, present, tense and personal. Visualize yourself living out this belief. How does it feel? What does it look like in your life? And I always like for people to start here with affirmations, with visualization, because when you start to visualize something, many times you can think, oh, I wanted it to be this replacement. But now that I think about it, I want to adjust that replacement belief a little bit, and this kind of gives you a little bit of wiggle room to play with it and to understand what you truly want. Because if it’s something you’ve never had before and you’re visualizing it as you visualize, you may want to make a little bit of adjustments and tweak it a little bit, and then you settle on that exact visualization you want for your future.

Speaker 1: 

When I was working with the woman who wanted to be married and she doesn’t want to have kids, one of the things that we did at this was let’s look for evidence of the contrary. Your brain is going to find what you ask it. If you ask a question, your brain is going to look for the answer. So I was a public school educator for 15 years and we always had an essential question at the beginning of every lesson. We were never told why we had to have this important question at the beginning of every lesson. We were never told why we had to have this important question at the beginning of every lesson. So I did research because I like to know why. Why the hell am I doing this? So when I come to you, that’s why I really want to get into the meat of it, go deep, because I don’t want to just tell you to do stuff without telling you why are you doing it. So I was like why do we have this question? Come to find out. If you pose a question to the brain, the brain is going to search for that answer. So, by posing the question to the brain at the beginning of a lesson, well then the brain is going to be searching for the answer to that question as you’re teaching, when you are asking yourself a question, when you’re looking for evidence of the contrary, because your brain is going to be searching for the evidence to answer that question, ask it in a way that drives you to your new belief. She asked oh, why are there so many people who are married without kids? She started seeing examples of it more and more and more, because her brain was looking for that. Her brain was looking for all the happy couples that didn’t have children and didn’t want children Before. In her old belief. Her brain was looking for the answer of the fact that nobody’s gonna marry you. How am I ever gonna get married? Because I don’t want to have kids. And it was showing that evidence. Your brain is going to find the evidence of what you pose to it. So that’s really crucial in this step when you’re wanting to shift.

Speaker 1: 

It may be hard to zero in on the exact replacement belief. At first you can start with a general positive belief and refine it as you go. Take the perfectionism need out of it. You don’t have to be perfect. You can refine as you go. Don’t get stuck trying to figure out the perfect replacement belief and so now you’re just in a holding pattern. So do a general one. Refine it as you go.

Speaker 1: 

Number four align your thoughts, emotions and actions. We’re just about done Two more steps. Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to align your thoughts with your new belief. Whenever you catch yourself thinking the old limiting belief, consciously replace it with the new belief. Then you’re going to align your emotions with your new belief. Feel the emotions of already achieving what you desire.

Speaker 1: 

This one is a hell of a lot easier if you truly understand emotions, and that’s why I’m always going to tell you to get the Feel to Flourish Masterclass, because when you can understand your emotions, you can use them, both negative and positive, to help you on your manifestation journey. Do not not get it Like get it today, go down there. If you haven’t gotten it yet, click the link in the show description to grab the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass, because emotions are so essential, but it’s one of the things we’re not taught. We’re taught how to think, we’re taught how to act, but we’re not taught explicitly about using emotions for manifestation. So that is why I have that for you. It’s complimentary. Grab it today.

Speaker 1: 

And then, finally, you’re going to take actions that are in alignment with your new belief. That might mean stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things that your old belief would have held you back from. Now, I want you to look out for the fact that, no matter what you do, don’t rush through the step. If you do, you’re going to risk falling back into old patterns. I’m going to talk about that, actually, on the All Access podcast today for my All Access members, about old patterns, because some of those have come up for me.

Speaker 1: 

So take your time and focus on aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions. So let’s keep going, because we’re nearly there. We’re at the fifth step. So celebrate, okay, stay consistent. That is the last step. So get ready to celebrate, because this is how you’re going to get the best results. You’re going to make aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions a daily practice. You’re going to track your progress and celebrate your small wins along the way.

Speaker 1: 

Changing beliefs takes time and effort. The first time I tried to overcome my limiting beliefs, I felt like I was making slow progress. I felt like I was making slow progress, but I stayed consistent and over time, I saw life changing, significant things happening in my life, in my manifestations. The big lesson for me and all of that was to be patient and persistent. Remember you didn’t get your limiting beliefs overnight. You’re not going to get rid of them overnight. You will have small wins, quick wins along the way, which are your motivation, not your transformation. You’re going to sit at that threshold. Once again, I’m going to be talking about the threshold for my all access members this week. Then you’re going to be at the threshold. Then, once you move past the threshold, it all clicks together and that new belief is solidified. I’m always going to give you a bonus. I love bonuses. Aren’t bonuses fun? Here’s a bonus tip You’re allowed to pivot. This is something I started doing after years of trial and error and it really helped me get into a routine and it was total eye-opening for me. And that’s allowing myself to pivot, because you’re going to adjust your beliefs as you grow.

Speaker 1: 

Your journey is unique and it’s okay to change directions. If something isn’t serving you anymore or if it’s something you thought you wanted to replace it with but it doesn’t quite feel the way you want it to feel, it’s okay, you can pivot Once again. Journey, not a destination. One of my old bosses used to say you don’t know what you don’t know, so you don’t even know what questions to ask to find out what you don’t know. And that’s why you’re allowed to pivot in this journey.

Speaker 1: 

As you go through, you’re going to collect more experiences. You’re going to collect more knowledge. You’re going to know more about what you want. So you’ve learned how to overcome limiting beliefs by following the steps that we’ve talked about today to transform your subconscious beliefs and to manifest the life that you desire. It does take time and patience to reprogram your brain into new beliefs that you want to have to match your manifestation desires. Some beliefs are going to be easier to replace than others. Don’t let that discourage you if you come across something that takes a little bit more time than something you did before. If you’re hungry for more insights, I want you to grab the all-access pass to the Live Life Unapologetically Premium podcast. That’s where I extend and explore the secrets of practical manifesting and abundance. Plus, you get monthly Q&As and more, and you can always reach me at contact at LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. So if you ever have questions or need support, know that I am here for you.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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