In this Episode

In this week’s episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, we tackle the struggle of finding time for manifestation amidst a busy life. Whether you’re juggling work, family, social commitments, or personal goals, this episode offers easy, practical ways to fit manifestation into your day without feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Debunking the Time Myth: Why manifestation doesn’t require hours of practice and how small, consistent actions lead to big results.
  • Chunking Your Practices: How to break down manifestation techniques into manageable, bite-sized sessions that can fit into any schedule.
  • Practical 5, 10, and 15-Minute Techniques: Discover quick, effective tools that can seamlessly integrate into your day.
  • Maintaining Consistency: Learn why it’s more important to be consistent and intentional with your practices than to spend long hours manifesting.

If you’ve ever felt like manifestation is just another task on your to-do list, this episode is for you. Tune in and discover how to manifest effortlessly, even on the busiest of days.


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Manifest in 20 Mins or Less

Learn the systemic way to approach manifesting so you can do it more effectively and in less time!

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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your practical manifestation coach, and I’m excited about today’s episode because we’re tackling something that many of us struggle with finding time to practice manifestation in the middle of a busy, hectic life. If you’re balancing work, family, social commitments, personal goals any of those things you can feel like manifestation is just one more thing on your to-do list. This episode is for you because we’re talking about how you can practice manifestation in minutes without feeling like it’s overwhelming or time-consuming, and still getting the results you’re looking for. We’re going to break down easy techniques that can fit into your day. Whether you have 5, 10, or 15 minutes to spare. Manifestation doesn’t have to be an all-day event. I’m going to show you how even small, consistent practices can create big results. The reason this topic is so dear to my heart is because I remember when I started my manifestation journey, much of the advice out there took more time than I had to spare. I wanted to do the practices, but I just didn’t have the time in my schedule. I wasn’t in that place yet. I had to spare. I wanted to do the practices, but I just didn’t have the time in my schedule. I wasn’t in that place. Yet I had to manifest more time flexibility. I had to manifest things in my life that would lead way to being able to do those things. I had to start somewhere. For a while I didn’t want to start at all because it was like all or nothing. But then I remembered the advice I give my children all the time you can do some. It doesn’t always have to be all or nothing. So I developed practices that you can do and a system that you can use to get your manifestation in the techniques in, while still getting the results you’re looking for. I got the results of my manifestations and the things that I was desiring time flexibility among them, to have some more time to do my manifestation practices, because they bring me joy. But when I first started, those things those big things that all the gurus are saying I needed to do felt like a chore, something else on my to-do list, something else to dread, and manifestation should be an adventure, not a chore. That’s why I want to help you today with practices that you can use that take a little amount of time but have big results. So grab your favorite drink, get cozy as can be, and let’s dive in.

Speaker 1: 

Let’s start by addressing a common misconception and that you need to spend hours each day manifesting to see results. This belief can lead to feelings of overwhelm, especially if you’re stretched thin, balancing everything that life is throwing at you right now. You may not even be able to think past the moment you’re in. It can feel like one more thing that you have to do, and that is problematic, because if it feels like a chore, then you’re going to create immediate resistance because it’s not going to feel good to you, and it should feel good to you.

Speaker 1: 

Manifesting isn’t about how much time you put into it, but rather how intentional and consistent you are. Think of manifestation like watering a plant. I always like to go back to the garden analogy. It’s so great for manifestations. Think about manifesting like watering a plant. You don’t need to flood it with water for hours on end to make it grow. Instead, a few consistent sips of water throughout the week will do the job, keeping the plant nourished and growing steadily. Manifestation is the same way. You don’t need to dedicate huge chunks of time to see a result.

Speaker 1: 

Short focus sessions can be just as powerful, if not more powerful, than spending an entire hour when you’re not fully engaged, when you’re distracted, when you’re not engaged, when you’re just there in resistance because it’s not feeling good. You’re so busy, your mind’s focused on so many other things. It doesn’t matter if you sit there for an hour. You’re so busy, your mind’s focused on so many other things. Doesn’t matter. If you sit there for an hour, you’re not going to get the bang for the buck. But if you just have those few powerful moments where you are intentional in what you’re doing, in your alignment, then that is what’s going to be more powerful Because, let’s be clear, powerful Because let’s be clear when we’re talking about manifestation practices.

Speaker 1: 

These are the tools you’re using to align the work of alignment. We need to align, we need to be on the frequency of our desires. But having a distracted hour is not it. Having an intentional, focused, on-frequency five minutes is better than sitting there for an hour just muddling and overthinking in your brain of everything else going on in your life, or that you just don’t have time, or that you’re being interrupted by the kids.

Speaker 1: 

Because, let’s be real once again, I remember what it was like to have little kids. If your kids are knocking on the door, I mean half the time, as a mom, you can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself. So if my kids are knocking on the door, how can I think that I’m going to be having a whole hour’s worth of manifestation practices without interruption? It typically doesn’t work that way, but these practices you can use them after you drop the kids off to school or when the kids are napping. So if you’re a mom, I want you to know that and understand that. I want you to understand that I know where you’re coming from and I get it, because that is life. When you have small kids, or your kids are home from school in the evening and they need help with homework and all these things. Or if you’re like me, I’m now a grandma, so I know when my grandchildren are over here, my days are different. I’m not spending an hour-long meditation session like I do when they’re not here. Having these practices to always fall back on for myself is so powerful in itself because I can enjoy the parts of my life that I enjoy Spending time with my grandkids, doing the things I like to do, going on vacation, spending time with friends and my loved ones and not having to stress over getting that hour in. If it’s a day where I’m engaged in something else, I can still be focused. That’s what I want you to understand. This can be a starting point, and this can also be a point to where, when you’re on your vacation, you can use these practices and still be an effective manifester.

Speaker 1: 

So how are you going to fit manifestation into a packed schedule? During our consistency series, I talked about integrated practices and explicit practices. So today we’re going to talk more explicitly. But that’s where chunking comes in, and chunking really is just breaking down your manifesting practices into smaller, more manageable pieces so that you can integrate it in your day. So you are doing it explicitly, but you’re sprinkling it throughout your day. So instead of feeling like you have to carve out 30 or 60 minutes for a meditation or a visualization, you can break that time up into short, focused segments. Instead of one long hour of meditation, you can try to meditate three times for 10 minutes each, or even six times for five minutes each throughout your day. That way, you’re not overwhelmed by the idea of fitting in a big practice.

Speaker 1: 

By chunking your manifestation efforts, you’re going to find it easier to stay consistent and aligned with your intentions, even on the busiest days. The beauty of chunking is that it allows you to check in with your desires regularly, keeping the energy alive throughout the day without feeling like manifesting is a chore. Small, intentional moments can become very powerful when you practice them consistently. Once again, understanding this idea of chunking, you can plan your day. So if you know that you typically like to do things in the evening when you’re winding down with your manifestation whether that’s journaling or meditation, affirmation, visualization, those things but you have an event that night, you can say, oh, I’ll just chunk this through my day, I’ll do a quick meditation in the shower, I’m going to chunk this all up. You still get it in, but it’s more flexible to flow with your life. Consistency doesn’t have to be rigid. You may be wondering can small, segmented practices really make a difference? And the answer is absolutely. The magic of manifestation isn’t about how long you practice, it’s in the consistency and it’s in the intention you bring. The more regularly you engage with your journey, the more you reinforce your intentions, your belief and your mindset. Now that consistency is key to training your subconscious mind to align with your desires.

Speaker 1: 

Small, repeated actions accumulate over time, leading to bigger shifts. Think about the conditioning of your life. It happened in small, little practices. Those limiting beliefs were small and they built and they became big, limiting beliefs like money doesn’t grow on trees, those kind of things. Your parents didn’t sit you down or society didn’t sit you down and tell you that for an hour down, or society didn’t sit you down and tell you that for an hour every single day, all day long. Yet many of us have that limiting belief, as if money is scarce because it doesn’t grow on trees, because it was sprinkled through your life to create a belief. Same thing when you’re trying to change your belief, if you’re putting it throughout your life, if you’re chunking it, it can lead to bigger shifts.

Speaker 1: 

Another benefit of small practices is they’re less likely to feel like an obligation. When your manifesting practices are short and manageable, you’re less likely to procrastinate or feel any kind of resistance. They just become a natural part of your day. I want you to think about if you said I’m going to start running. I want to be somebody who runs, but the thought of running is just overwhelming. Where do you start? You’ve never ran before. Is it going to be hard? What shoes do you need to have? So you start thinking of all the things and, oh, it’s going to take so much time and how I’m going to fit that in my day and how many times a week. So sometimes we procrastinate then and we don’t even start. That’s how it could be with anything in life, manifestation practices included. So when you sprinkle them throughout your day, there’s less resistance. It just becomes a natural part of your day, like anything else you do, like grabbing your coffee in the morning and one at lunch. However, it fits in your life, it becomes habitual and natural, it has more ease and it feels less like a to-do and more like a who you are.

Speaker 1: 

Now that we have the importance of consistency and chunking, let’s dive in some techniques. These are practical, easy to implement, methods that I use, that I work with people and help them to use. You can fit them into your routine, whether you have 5, 10, or 15 minutes available. I want to be very clear when I’m talking about chunking your day. You may only have five minutes to give at this point. I say it all the time. When I started my journey, I had seven minutes a day. I did not have three seven-minute sessions per day, I had one seven-minute a day and then I built on that. So start where you are If you can fit in three, fives or four tens or two fifteens, however that works for you. I just want to give you some methods that you can chunk into your day with the time that you have. So let’s start with some five minute techniques. These are quick and effective.

Speaker 1: 

The first one is brain breaks, and you can take five minutes during your entire day doing a brain break, and you might say, shana, why the hell should I do a brain break? What does that have to do with manifestation? Well, when you’re in meetings, when you’re dropping off your kids, when you’re waiting in the line at the grocery store, when you’re doing all of these things, sometimes it can be stressful and stress stops manifestation because now we have the amygdala in our brain going crazy. No new information is coming. You’re not developing those new empowering beliefs because you are stressed. I have a whole series, the calm series. When you think about calm, I want you to think this is my fertile ground for manifestation. This is how I can really make this manifestation stick, because I’m having a calm, non-stressed mind. Maybe you’re so busy. You just need to institute brain breaks to start with. That is saying you know what, every 30 minutes or every hour or every two hours, whatever that looks like for you. However many minutes, I’m going to start with, I’m going to say 30, because that’s how I did it, but every 30 minutes you stop and you breathe for 30 seconds, you close your eyes, you take deep, calming breaths and you can focus on your desires as you’re doing this, or you can just focus on clearing your mind, recentering yourself and becoming calm, and this clears your mind and it keeps your energy aligned with your intentions. Even when you’re feeling stressed or if your day is hectic, it just allows your brain to settle.

Speaker 1: 

The next one is just quick affirmations. Choose an affirmation that aligns with your current intention. Spend five minutes repeatedly saying it out loud or silently in your brain. You can do this when you’re commuting, when you’re taking a quick walk, when you’re washing the dishes. You can integrate this into so many things. It’s a simple practice to reprogram your subconscious mind and keep you focused on what outcome you’re looking for for manifestation.

Speaker 1: 

You can do a gratitude blitz, which is so much fun. So take five minutes to list everything you’re grateful for, and you can kind of adjust this. You can do like two minutes, three minutes, five minutes, because you’re probably going to have to build up to five minutes, honestly, when you start this. But what you’re going to do is you’re going to set a timer and you’re going to write down everything or say out loud, if you don’t have time to stop and write all the things that you are grateful for that align to your manifestation intention. Gratitude is the direct line to abundance and this quick practice helps you to shift into a positive, receptive state of mind, to get in line and get on the frequency of what you’re trying to do. So you can do the brain breaks the quick affirmations or the gratitude blitz in five minutes or less. Then we have 10-minute manifesting techniques. So if you have a little bit more time and you want to do a little bit more, you can do one of these techniques.

Speaker 1: 

You can do a 10-minute meditation. So a quick meditation Once again. I started with a seven-minute-a-day meditation Made all the difference in the world. A 10-minute meditation can help you to reset and realign. It can be a guided meditation to help you to focus. It could be a silent meditation where you simply breathe and visualize your desires. Doing this is a great way to center yourself once again and refocus your energy to connect with your desire.

Speaker 1: 

You can also do visualizations during everyday activities. You don’t always need to sit down and dedicate specific time for visualization. You can visualize your desires while doing things like, once again, cooking, cleaning. Maybe you’re sitting at a little league practice. Do it for 10 minutes. Immerse yourself in the feelings and the images of your desired reality as if it’s already happening. Another thing that you can do in 10 minutes is journaling. You can spend 10 minutes writing about your desires as if they’ve already come to pass. That’s called scripting. You can script your life, describing your life into the detail how you feel, what you’re doing, what you’re grateful for. This type of journaling not only reinforces your intentions, but it helps you to stay connected to the frequency of your desire.

Speaker 1: 

Finally, let’s talk about the 15-minute manifestation technique. So say you want to do a 15 minute or you have time in your day to go even deeper and have more time that is uninterrupted. One of the things you can do is go for a manifestation walk. Dr Joe Dispenza has a whole meditation on this. It’s way longer than 15 minutes, but he encourages it. I think he is so powerful when it comes to meditation and manifestation. To me he’s the best. So if you’re into meditation, like I am, and you want to pair that to manifest. He has so many wonderful ones. He does a walking meditation, but you can go for manifestation walks. It’s a 15-minute walk, preferably, of course. You’re outside in nature and as you walk you focus on your desires, you repeat your affirmations, you visualize your goals or you allow yourself to feel the feelings of already having what you want. Walking helps to ground your energy and moving your body can make your visualization seem more real. Now, this is a very watered down version of the very complex one that Dr Joe Dispenza does use, but we all have to start somewhere.

Speaker 1: 

When I first started my manifestation journey, there was no way I could do. I think there’s only one or two meditations I could do from Dr Joe Dispenza His aren’t even the ones I started with because they do take more time. But you can start here. Manifestation walks are great and it gets your whole body into it. You could do a focus meditation, using that 15 minutes to deep dive into your manifesting practices so you could focus on one desire and spend time visualizing it, repeating your affirmations, using mantras that align to your goal. This longer, more focused practice can help you to strengthen your intentions and deepen the connection to what you want. And then you can do detailed journaling so you could spend 15 minutes reflecting on your manifestation journey.

Speaker 1: 

What’s working? Where are you seeing progress? What adjustments do you need to make? What kind of detailed reflection that not only keeps you aligned with your intentions but helps you to gain insights into your process? Sometimes we just need that reflection. Where can I put practices in more? Am I doing practices that I’m getting distracted? How can I integrate this better? Am I trying to do too little, too much? Can I add more? Do I need to take away Like? What do you need to reflect on so that you can be in alignment?

Speaker 1: 

Because, once again, all of these practices are simply tools to help you. It’s like when you go to the gym there’s weights and there’s a treadmill and there’s a stairmaster and there’s resistance bands and there are all these machines. Those are tools to help you get in shape. Visualization, journaling, meditation, affirmations, brain breaks, calming your mind All of these are tools, just like in the gym, they’re tools to help you to align to the frequency you’re trying to get to. These are your alignment tools. Alignment is just being on the frequency of that desire.

Speaker 1: 

The key to making these practices work for you is to integrate them seamlessly into your daily life. So start by choosing one or two that resonate with you, that feel good to you, because what you do should feel good to you, or, once again, you’re going to have that automatic resistance. It’s going to feel like a chore. So let it feel good to you. Find one that feels good to you, or two. Maybe you like them all, maybe you only like one and you split it and do it at different times of the day. Make it work for you so that it feels natural and good. It could be during your morning coffee, it could be your lunch break, it could be before bed, it could be on your commute. How does that fit into your life? The beauty of these techniques is they don’t require a huge time commitment, but they can create a significant impact if you practice them consistently. You’re more likely to practice them consistently when they feel good to you.

Speaker 1: 

Manifestation is all about intention and alignment.

Speaker 1: 

It’s not about cramming more into your day.

Speaker 1: 

It’s about weaving these small, intentional practices into your life so they feel effortless. As we wrap up today, I want you to remember that manifestation doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. By using simple 5, 10, or 15-minute techniques, you can stay consistent, aligned and connected to your desires without feeling like manifestation is just one more thing on your plate, because, let’s be real, you don’t need anything else on your plate. As a matter of fact, you might want to be taking some stuff off your plate and you can use manifestation for that. The key is to make the practices a regular part of your day and over time, you’re going to see how powerful they can be in helping you to manifest your dreams. If you’re ready to dive deeper, don’t forget to check out the Manifestation Made Simple Masterclass, where I guide you on how to manifest in 20 minutes or less per day. You can find the link in the show description or you can head over to LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. Forward, slash, manifest. So keep practicing, keep aligning and I will chat with you next week.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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