In this Episode

In this week’s episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, we tackle the frustrations many face in their manifestation journey and remind us why manifestation is a learned skill, not an instant fix. If you’ve ever felt like you’re failing because your desires aren’t showing up fast enough, this episode will show you why that’s not the case.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Debunking Instant Manifestation: Why quick results are a myth and why patience and consistency are key to manifesting success.
  • Manifestation as a Skill: How manifestation is a process, much like learning any new skill, and why practice helps rewire your mind for abundance.
  • Overcoming the Feast or Famine Cycle: How setbacks and challenges are opportunities to strengthen your manifestation process, not signs of failure.
  • The Journey of Manifestation: Why it’s more than just getting what you want—it’s about personal growth, self-discovery, and becoming your most authentic self.

If you’re looking for empowering truth and practical guidance, this episode is for you. Tune in and remember that manifestation is a journey, not a destination.


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon, and I am so glad you’re joining me today because we’re diving into a topic that hits home for so many people. While manifestation is a learned skill and, more importantly, why, you’re not failing at it, if you’ve ever found yourself feeling stuck or frustrated or like you’re doing something wrong because your desires aren’t showing up as fast as you’d like, this episode is for you. We’ll explore the process of manifestation in a way that emphasizes growth and learning, not instant results. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s dig into this empowering truth. And I really want to start by just addressing the elephant in the room the myth of instant manifestation. How many times have you heard the idea that you just need to set an intention, visualize it for a few moments and poof, it will appear. If only it were that simple, if we literally could just think something, visualize it for a second and have it everybody would be doing it, but they’re not. This idea of instant manifestation can be appealing because we live in a world that craves quick fixes and immediate results. Manifestation is much deeper than just a quick mental exercise. It’s aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions consistently with your desires over time. I really want you to think of it like planting a seed. You can’t water it once and think it’s going to bloom instantly, or bloom at all If you only water it once. The soil needs time to nourish it, the sun needs to help it grow and you need patience while the roots take hold. Manifestation is no different. Sometimes it feels like nothing is happening, but under the surface, your consistent thoughts and aligned actions are laying the groundwork for what’s to come. Here’s the kicker that I think happens to a lot of us, and that’s when our manifestations don’t happen right away. We start to blame ourselves. You may think I’m not visualizing hard enough, or maybe I’m not good at this, but like learning any new skill, you’re gonna have to stick with it. You’re gonna have to go through it. You may have challenges along the way, and that’s totally normal. In fact, it’s part of the process.

Speaker 1: 

One of my favorite quotes is the expert at anything was once a beginner. We all have to start somewhere and if you are learning how to purposely manifest, it’s going to take time. You’re reprogramming your subconscious mind. You’re overcoming limiting beliefs, you’re discovering who you are and what you really want. You’re getting those empowering beliefs and you’re trying to show up every single day consistently aligned with those things. That takes practice, because manifestation is a skill. It is not a one-time event, just like if you tried to learn a new language. You’re not going to do it in one day or in one session, and you get better with practice. When you first started learning how to cook, did you do a really good job? Probably not, but now that you’re older, you can probably whip up your signature meal or two without even thinking about it. You don’t even have to measure anymore and it comes out even better. All of these skills that we have that we really take for granted.

Speaker 1: 

Think about I always talk about driving a car. You guys may wonder why I always bring up that example. It simply is because I never wanted to drive, but my mom told me I was going to drive because she wasn’t going to be in my taxi anymore, so she made me get my license. But just think about learning how to drive and I’m going to tell you, sometimes I still have to really think about things like parallel parking and stuff that I don’t do on a regular basis. I have to concentrate on that more because it’s just not something I do often.

Speaker 1: 

Here’s the thing, and that’s why consistency is important in manifestation, because when you’re manifesting you’re reprogramming your subconscious mind. So number one, that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to replace old limiting beliefs that are deeply ingrained in you. Often they’ve been there for years, and if you’re not doing it consistently it’s kind of like me with the parallel parking it’s going to take a lot more energy and effort to get it right. I have to go in out, back in out, like I don’t just pull in there smoothly and it all happens magically right. I have to really concentrate on it. So that’s why it’s important not to give up on your journey and understanding that it’s a learning process. The more you do it, the better you’re going to get at it. If I went in parallel parked all the time, I’m sure it wouldn’t take me seven, eight, nine, ten tries to get into a space. That applies to manifestation. Think about it If you’ve spent years believing you’re not good enough or that abundance is hard to come by, it’s going to take more than a few days of affirmations to shift those beliefs. That, once again, is why consistency is key. It’s like trying to pull in and parallel park one time to align to abundance. And you don’t even get in there. You’re going to have to pull back out and try again, and try again, and try again. But that consistency makes you better at it. That consistency will make you a pro if you keep going.

Speaker 1: 

Every time you practice visualization or journaling or meditation, you’re strengthening your manifesting muscle. Every time you choose to focus on your desires instead of your doubts, you’re rewiring your brain to believe in your ability to create the life you want. Just like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you get. Because, let’s be honest, manifestation isn’t always smooth sailing. You encounter setbacks, you may encounter roadblocks or periods where you feel like nothing is happening at all.

Speaker 1: 

That’s what I like to call the feast or famine cycle, where you get some great, wonderful things and then it’s nothing for some time. But what if I told you that these challenges are actually helping you grow? That feast or famine cycle can help you. Instead of seeing it as a sign of failure, see it as an opportunity to strengthen your manifestation ability If you catch yourself in a feast or famine cycle where you’re getting some great big thing and you’ve manifested it and then you want it to duplicate. That’s what we want, right, we want to manifest and we want to replicate our manifestation process, but say it’s not replicating, so you get it, then you have a famine, then you have a feast. What I found in these instances is they are opportunities to strengthen your manifestation because they show you patterns of beliefs that get you into those cycles.

Speaker 1: 

It’s a way to learn more about yourself, to grow so that you can consistently, sustainably repeat the manifestation process in a way that feels good to you. So you’re not going through highs and lows. Any challenge you face just lets you fine-tune your approach, shift your mindset or dig deeper into what you truly want that clarity Remember. Last week I said with clarity it’s a self-discovery process. It does evolve and it will change the more you get to know yourself through the process of being a purposeful manifester.

Speaker 1: 

These moments aren’t about proving that you’re failing. They’re about teaching you how to become more aligned with your desires. Think about that parallel parking car. You have to be perfectly aligned to get in that spot. Sometimes you got to pull out and pull in so that you can get there. But you learn every time what angle should I go in at, how fast should I go, how slow should I go? When should I turn the wheel the other way? It’s a learning process and I know it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results right away or your results are inconsistent. But I want you to remember that every time you encounter resistance, you’re being given a chance to grow.

Speaker 1: 

Whether it’s learning about letting go of control, trusting in the timing of the universe or releasing limiting beliefs, challenges are a natural part of the manifestation process. It’s how you respond to them that determines how much farther you’re going to go. I really want to talk about how manifestation is a journey and it is not a destination. So many times we get caught up in end results this thing that we want to manifest and we forget the journey itself is where the magic happens, because manifestation isn’t just about getting the thing. It’s about who you become in the process of aligning with it. Once again, going back to that self-discovery understanding. You’re going to evolve as you go. You will get better at this, and not only are you going to get better at the manifestation process, but you’re going to become so clear on what you want, weeding out all the things you don’t.

Speaker 1: 

I just gave an in-depth, deep dive to a leadership group yesterday and we were talking about different extremes and becoming who we are and the fire within, and we really touched on that. They get to be who they really are and shine who they are in this world. Yes, manifestation gives you the things you want. It’s great the money, the wealth, the joy. But manifestation also gives you you, and that’s why I’m so passionate about it. It helps you to get away from the pretenses, the masks, all the things you wear in society, so you can be quote unquote, acceptable, and it allows you to tap into the authenticness of who you are, to show up in the world as who you were created to be, in confidence, without second guessing yourself. It’s a beautiful journey. It is a journey In this deep dive that I was doing with this group yesterday, a lot of them said, wow, I want that, that end result. They want it, but getting there seems difficult. So we went through different exercises. I gave them a particular exercise to do at the end.

Speaker 1: 

That was a very small thing that you can start small and build your way up. Just like any other skill in life, you start with some basic foundational things and then you just build your way up from there. If you are learning. Think about when you were a child and you got introduced to mathematics. You started with some basic addition, subtraction facts, then you moved to multiplication, division, then you moved on to things like negative numbers and positive numbers and fractions and order of operations and algebraic things. Then maybe you moved to calculus. You didn’t start at calculus, that’s not where you began. You started your journey, the basics, and that’s how we approach manifestation.

Speaker 1: 

I hope that shows you that it’s not impossible. Now you may be saying Shannon, me and calculus didn’t get along. I do think it’s impossible. I understand that. But I’m saying with manifestation it’s not impossible. It is doable to grow, you start, you build. It’s a journey. You’ll notice how your desires do shift and evolve and the clarity becomes clearer and identifying those limiting beliefs become easier. And with the replacement beliefs, the alignment and it all starts to come together because you grow, you expand and you gain more and you know what truly lights you up.

Speaker 1: 

The journey of manifestation is about enjoying the process and becoming the version of yourself that you want to be. Things are not happening as fast as you’d like. I don’t want you to be discouraged. Every step you take, every lesson you learn, is getting you closer to the life you desire. It’s trusting the process, embracing the journey and knowing you’re exactly where you need to be. So I really want you to show yourself some compassion, some patience and some love. Don’t be discouraged. A lot of times we fall into well, it must be my fault and, to be honest, there’s a lot of manifestation gurus out there that say if you’re not manifesting what you want, that’s on you, it’s your fault, you’re doing it wrong and I’m here to tell you today. It’s because you’re learning.

Speaker 1: 

I know mainstream manifestation is all about just think the right things and life’s supposed to just easily fall into place, but to me that’s very superficial and surface level. I want more for you, surface level. I want more for you. I want you to have a life where you can manifest the health, wealth and joy that you truly desire, sustainably, consistently, and to do that you must understand how does manifestation work, that it is a learned skill, that you’re gonna get better with it over time.

Speaker 1: 

When I first started, the only thing I was trying to manifest was not being stressed out. I just wanted a calm mind. That’s it which is so essential to manifestation. I wasn’t trying to do anything else. I took it piece by piece. Now I’m here to try to help you learn what I learned quicker, so you can move along in the process, because I was self-taught in trying to get through all the things that told me, well, if I would just think the right things then my life would be great. But that wasn’t happening. Why not? So I went on a journey to really discover and get past that surface level stuff so I can bring it to you.

Speaker 1: 

So, as a woman, you can have the life that you desire. Know that it’s a skill. It is not your fault, it is something that you’re learning, and we have to take the stigma off that you’re somehow doing something wrong or you’re somehow failing or you somehow suck, because you can’t magically manifest $10,000 in two days by chanting a mantra five times out loud. That’s not how it works, but that’s why you’re here with me, so we can work it together and go through this process. So today, love yourself and be compassionate with yourself and understand that manifestation is a learned skill. The more you practice, the more you grow.

Speaker 1: 

I want you to grab a new masterclass and guide that I have developed, because I’ve talked to so many women lately whose lives are busy, they don’t have the time for the very in-depth practices. And here’s the thing when you’re first starting because it’s a journey, you’re not going to have time for that, just because you haven’t manifested time flexibility yet. And I’m here to meet you where you are, because I know that was me when I first started. When I went through this process, I developed ways to manifest in 20 minutes or less a day, honoring the season of the life that I was in, honoring where I was starting and where I was trying to go. So I have made a masterclass to take you through the process to identify the big three so you can get to the four, which is manifesting in 20 minutes or less per day.

Speaker 1: 

You can find it in the link in the show description or you can head over to LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. Forward slash manifest so that you can grab it. It is free. Get yours today so that you can start to really have that foundation of learning of what needs to happen for manifestation and practices, that you can start to really have that foundation of learning of what needs to happen for manifestation and practices that you can use. That will take you 20 minutes or less a day so you can start with getting that skill, practice in. I want you to keep practicing, keep manifesting and I will talk to you next Wednesday.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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