In this Episode

In this episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, we explore gratitude, a topic often mentioned but rarely explored in manifesting.

Gratitude isn’t just about saying thank you; it’s about aligning your energy with abundance, making you a magnet for more of what you desire. We’ll explore how to practice gratitude in a meaningful and powerful way, even when life gets tough. Whether you’re time-strapped or overwhelmed, gratitude is the go-to practice that can fit into any part of your day and transform your manifesting journey.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why gratitude is more than just a simple “thank you” and how it connects to manifesting your desires.
  • How to cultivate genuine feelings of gratitude, even when life doesn’t go as planned.
  • The importance of consistency in your gratitude practice and how it can lead to unexpected manifestations.
  • Practical tips for integrating gratitude into your daily life, regardless of your schedule.

If you’re ready to take your gratitude practice—and your manifestation journey—to the next level, don’t forget to check out the All-Access Pass for deeper insights, extended resources, and more. Click the link in the show description to join today. Enjoy the episode!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your practical manifestation coach. Today we are diving into a topic that’s often mentioned but rarely explored in depth, and that’s gratitude. We’ve all heard about being grateful and how it is important, but what does that really mean in the context of manifesting? How does simple appreciation for what you have now connect you with bringing more of what you desire in your life? And if you’re time-strapped but still want to manifest like the kick-ass woman you are, then choose gratitude as your go-to practice. Today we’re going to dive into more than just simple thank yous and into this transformative way of manifesting your desires. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started. Gratitude is more than just saying thank you or feeling good when something goes your way. It’s about actively appreciating everything that’s in your life right now the good, the not so good, and even the lessons that challenges bring in. When you practice gratitude, you’re not just acknowledging what you have, you’re also aligning your energy with the frequency of abundance. When your energy is in sync with abundance, you become a magnet for more of it. This goes back to the law of attraction Like attracts like.

Speaker 1: 

Many times, people will say okay, but I am grateful for the $10, but it’s really not what I want. How can I be grateful for the small amount of money when it really isn’t what I want? I want to be grateful for the $10,000. I want to be grateful for that. That’s where I’m holding this gratitude for. The thing is, when you’re grateful for the $10, you’re just aligning with the frequency of abundance. More can come in. A lot of times when we’re holding our gratitude, then we hold off our manifestation. You’re saying well, I didn’t ask for the $10. Why would I be grateful for something that I didn’t ask for? That is when we’re going deeper into gratitude the not so good. Sometimes you want to manifest, or you feel you need to manifest a hundred dollars, but you only get the 10. How can you be grateful for the 10? It’s not what you need. Well, maybe that’s not so good in your mind, but when you’re grateful for it regardless, then you have a frequency of abundance.

Speaker 1: 

Gratitude is going to take you further than anything else. Being grateful is showing that you are noticing the abundance that is already in your life instead of focusing on the lack. Lack attracts lack. When you’re grateful, you’re going to attract more things to be grateful for. You have to think of gratitude as the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. See, when you express gratitude for what you already have, you’re telling the universe I’m ready for more of this. It’s like placing an order for more blessings, because the universe responds to the energy you put out.

Speaker 1: 

If you’re constantly focused on what you’re lacking, remember that is what you’re going to attract. If you’re grateful for what you have, no matter how small, you’re signaling that you’re ready to receive more. You are looking for things to be grateful for in your daily life, every single day. If you struggle with gratitude, let’s say that. If you’re struggling with gratitude, pick an area of your life where gratitude is easy and learn to feel the feelings of gratitude and be very noticed and mindful of those feelings. So, if you’re very grateful for your children and how they make you so happy, think of all the things about your children you’re grateful for, but then notice the feeling.

Speaker 1: 

The feeling here is what’s important, because if you say, well, whatever, I’m grateful for this $10, but you don’t really mean it, those are hollow words, right? That goes back to what I always say actions speak louder than words, especially in manifesting, sorry, your action didn’t change. Same thing in manifesting, if you’re like, oh, I’m grateful for, but you do it begrudgingly, your actions don’t reflect that right, your body language, your emotions, and truly, in your thoughts your words might be coming out, but in your brain you’re like I’m not really grateful for this. So you really have to align yourself with the feeling. So find an area of your life where things are going really well. Then you can practice your gratitude there and notice those feelings and then you can take those feelings and elicit those feelings when you’re saying I’m grateful for this $10. I really am grateful for this $10. I’m grateful for this $1. I’ve been there and I’ve been in positions and places where $1 didn’t cut it. $1 wasn’t going to pay my electric bill and keep my lights on, but I had to be grateful. I knew I had this dollar, I had something. I knew, even though I was struggling. What else is in my life that I can be grateful for? I’m grateful for my home, I’m grateful for my family, I’m grateful for all these things. So finding that gratitude, finding that feeling, is very important. The emotion, remember, when we’re aligning to our desires, it is comprised of our thoughts, emotions and our actions. So, feeling that emotion in your gratitude practice, start using gratitude as a powerful manifestation tool daily.

Speaker 1: 

It doesn’t have to be complicated. I think that’s one of the things I really love about having a gratitude practice is it doesn’t have to be complicated, you don’t have to overthink it. There’s zero prep work to do it. When I use my vision diary, there’s prep work. That goes into it. When I’m doing meditation, there is prep work. You know I have to have my quiet place. I have to make sure it aligns to the time of day where I’m not going to be interrupted things of that nature. When I journal, there’s prep work. I have to get the journal out, I have to get the pencil all the things With gratitude. With a gratitude practice, there is zero, zero prep work for this, which makes it so powerful. It does not have to be complicated. You can start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on what you’re thankful for.

Speaker 1: 

And I was talking with one of my coaching buddies, jamie Drew. She is part of the Bliss Code. I’ve mentioned her on here before because we’ve done this and it’s so powerful she decided when she was doing her gratitude practice that she was only going to look for things in that day. A lot of times when we do gratitude practices, especially in the beginning, especially if we’re at a place where maybe our manifestations aren’t what we want them to be, we’ll go way back and try and find something in the far, far past that we’re grateful for, instead of looking where we are right now. So her method for that was to only look that day or, at most, yesterday. So, like yesterday or today, I’m going to find something grateful within that timeframe, because it makes it a lot more focused in the present moment, which is where we want to stay. We want to stay in the present moment, even with our gratitude practice, looking for something to be grateful for and focusing a few minutes each day on that. It could be as simple as appreciating the warmth of your morning coffee. Maybe it’s a supportive call from a friend.

Speaker 1: 

Our power went out two nights ago right when we were getting ready to go to bed, and then the people were coming out and keeping us awake because they were going back and forth in the yards in the midnight hour literally midnight hour. But what could I be grateful for in that moment? So when we say okay, when things aren’t going so good. It wasn’t going so good. I live in Texas. It gets hot in the house real quick when you don’t have electricity. It started to get warm, okay.

Speaker 1: 

Well, I was grateful that I had a family member’s house I could go to so we could charge our phones. I was grateful that I have these motion-censored lights in my pantry and in closets in my house that are magnetic so you could take them off. So we weren’t sitting in the dark. We didn’t have to worry about finding flashlights. We didn’t have to worry about lighting candles, because I have these really cool motion sensor lights that I can carry around. They provide a ton of light. They also have a setting where it’s either motion sensor or you can keep it on. So we put some in the bathroom. So if we walked in the bathroom, we still had light. So, yeah, we were in the dark and yes, it was hot, but in that moment, what can I be grateful for? I was very grateful for that stuff.

Speaker 1: 

So when I say, even when things go bad, what can you be grateful for? What, within that situation, can you be grateful for in that day, in the present moment? Little things throughout your day, things that we tend to take for granted. Did you get to work with less traffic? Did you wake up and feel more refreshed than you have in a while? Did you do a stretch and your body feels good? Did something funny happen on TV and you really needed a laugh so you were grateful for that laugh on that sitcom that you saw? Small things within our day. They don’t have to always be big, huge things. It could be a little thing. Did your child do something that made you smile and it made your heart grow? What can you do and how can you show gratitude in the present moment, no matter what has gone on in your day? Where are those crumbs, those moments, those pieces that you can find for gratitude, even on the hardest day, and be so intensely grateful for it? Be so intensely grateful for it?

Speaker 1: 

The key to this practice is consistency. We just finished our consistency series, making gratitude a daily habit. The more you practice gratitude, the more you’re going to find things to be grateful for. When I started my gratitude practice, it really was a struggle for me to find five things a day sticking within my day. You know, like not going back and just listing the same things over and over, because in my gratitude practice, I try to be grateful for something different every day. Right, I don’t want to just keep repeating the same things over and over. I want to see how many things am I grateful for, and it was hard to come up with five, but as time went on, the list would just grow and grow and grow and it became so easy and I found I mean endless things every single day. So making gratitude a daily habit is going to transform your mindset and it is going to transform your manifestation journey. When I first put this practice into place, there’s different ways to do it, and I’m going to talk about that on the all access pass today. There’s many different ways to do this.

Speaker 1: 

One of the things that I saw in my life was that, without paying off any debt, my bills went down. They went from like $5,000 something a month down to less than $3,000 a month. When we’re talking about manifesting, a lot of times we think, oh, I’m going to keep getting deposits in my account, I’m going to get this money in my account, I’m going to have all this money. I did get more money, but at the same time, somehow my bills became less without me doing anything. It was the strangest thing. I don’t know how it happened and I’m not going to question it. I just know I’m grateful. So my manifestation actually before the big check started rolling into my life. My bills went down. They were less. I didn’t do anything different. I attribute that to my gratitude habit that I had in my life at the time because it was very focused on those things.

Speaker 1: 

Gratitude is a small but mighty practice that can make a huge difference in manifesting your desires. It aligns with the energy of abundance, helping you to attract more of what you truly want in your life. I want you this week to focus on gratitude. If you focus on nothing else, if life is too busy, if you feel like you’re all over the place, gratitude you can infuse it into any part of your day. It takes less than a minute to say I am grateful for.

Speaker 1: 

So infuse gratitude into your practices, infuse it into your week and when life goes crazy, hold on to gratitude, don’t let it go. The more you practice it, the more it becomes a part of your being. It’s just somebody who you are that practices gratitude, and the more you practice gratitude, the more abundance you are going to see in your life, more abundance you are going to see in your life. If you want to go deeper into gratitude techniques to help you manifest daily, then I want you to check out the All Access Pass today. Pass members get in-depth insights, they get extended resources, monthly Q&As and more. You can get it today at livelifeunapologeticallycom. Forward slash access or you can click the link in the show description. I will chat with you guys next week.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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