In this Episode

In this episode, we’re wrapping up our Consistency Series by diving into how to keep your manifestation practices fresh and evolving. We’ll explore why adapting your practices is crucial for continued success and how to do it in a way that feels natural and exciting.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to switch up your manifestation practices as you reach new milestones or face life changes.
  • How to recognize when it’s time to evolve your routines to avoid feeling stuck or bored.
  • Practical tips on how to refresh your manifestation practices to keep them aligned with your current season of life.
  • The role of regular reflection in keeping your manifestation journey exciting and effective.

Manifesting should never feel like a chore—it’s about enjoying the process and staying motivated. 

If you’re ready to dive deeper into all things manifesting, don’t forget to grab your All-Access Pass for more insights, resources, and exclusive content. 


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Hey there, beautiful souls, and welcome back to the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kaye, your go-to for practical manifesting advice that actually fits into your crazy life. Today we are wrapping up our series on consistency by talking about how to keep your manifestation practices fresh and evolving. Because, let’s be real, what worked for you when you first started might not cut it anymore, and that is totally normal. We’re going to dig into why and how you should adapt your practices as you go.

Speaker 1: 

Manifesting isn’t a one-and-done deal. Life happens, things change. You’re growing all the time. It makes sense for your manifestation practices to grow and change with you. Otherwise, it’s like wearing the same pair of shoes forever, and I’m a shoe girly. You don’t want to do that. You want shoes that go with any and everything. So you may have loved them at first and maybe now they’re worn out, they give you blisters or they’re just not the style you don’t want to wear them anymore. That’s why today we’re going to talk about why it’s important to switch things up and how to do it in a way that feels natural and easy, because manifesting should not feel like a chore. It should be enjoyable. It should feel like putting on a cute new pair of sandal pumps every single summer, because it just is wonderful. I love that feeling. For you it may be a handbag, for others it might be a cute shirt, but you know what I’m saying. You want to feel good in what you’re doing. You want to feel like it’s relevant to the season that you’re in, and that’s why we’re talking about it today. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started Up.

Speaker 1: 

First is talking about the importance of adapting your practices and why it is so crucial. When you hit new milestones in your life, your manifesting might want to shift. Maybe you’ve hit some intentions, you’ve gotten some desires. Now you’re ready for more. Or maybe life has changed. Maybe you got a new job, a new relationship, just maybe a new outlook on things. If you don’t adapt your practices to match, you’re going to feel stuck and nobody’s got time for that. We don’t have time for that, because we want to keep going. We want to have a sustainable practice in our life. That’s the whole purpose of this consistency series.

Speaker 1: 

Adapting your practices isn’t just a nice thing to have or know how to do. It’s a must if you want to keep moving forward. So how do you know when it’s time to shake things up. First of all, if you’re feeling stuck or like nothing’s happening, there’s a big red flag for you. If you’re bored with your routine, or maybe you’re just not seeing the results you’re used to, that’s the cue to mix things up. Another big sign is when life hands you a plot twist, like a new job, a new baby, new anything. When your day-to-day changes, your manifesting routines change along with it. Let’s not forget the moments when you actually have your manifestation in hand. It has manifested into this 3D reality, it is there for you. Congrats, by the way. I love when that happens. That’s the best feeling, right? But now what? That might be a perfect time to reassess and set some new, big, juicy intention that keeps you motivated and excited. Recognizing these signs is the first step to keeping your manifestation practice evolving and kicking. So let me explain to you what this looks like.

Speaker 1: 

When I first started my manifestation journey, I was working 70 hours a week, mom of four kids still at home. All my kids but one are now grown. But when I started, they all had activities, things at school, trying to get them here and there. They weren’t all in the same school. I had some in elementary, I had some in junior high. I had some in high school. My life was busy. Plus, I’m a wife and I love to do extracurricular activities with my kids and plan events. You know, just regular stuff going on that I love in that season of my life and in that season of my life I had seven minutes a day that I could dedicate to my manifestation practices. My manifestation practice of choice was meditation. So I started with seven minutes a day, then I was able to get 10 minutes a day and I would just do that 10 minutes a day. I did things to make sure I stayed in calm brain breaks, mindfulness exercises, all of these things so that I can have a calm mind so I could manifest the life that I desired.

Speaker 1: 

That was the season that I was in. That’s where I was and there’s nothing wrong with that because I was consistent with that. I didn’t have to meditate for an hour or two hours a day. That’s where it started. And so when I say you have a busy life and you want to manifest, you can. So that was that season.

Speaker 1: 

As my kids started to grow and get older and things started happening. I had other desires. When I was working 70 hours a week. I thought, oh, this is great, this is what I was born to do, this is what I’m passionate got sick and I couldn’t do the things that I used to do. Those were those plot twists in my life to where I had a different perspective on things that I wanted, and I didn’t want to work 70 hours a week anymore. I wanted to have more time for my family. I needed more time for myself, for my health, and so that changed. And then so did my manifestation practices. They changed as well. They evolved with me.

Speaker 1: 

For that season, for those plot twists, there was something new. I wanted to manifest my health and I put all of my energy into that area of my life, to go from chronic illness to the illness no longer exists. I put into practice meditating 20 minutes a day. I also put into practice reading certain things and educating myself to manifest what I wanted. I put my energy into writing down affirmations, what I was grateful for, the things that I needed and wanted to live the life that I now desired.

Speaker 1: 

In a new season of my life, I started manifesting things I wanted, like not working all the time. I got to a place where I make more money than I ever have in my life and I work the least that I’ve ever worked in my life. My kids are all growing up. Like I said, I only have one at home. Life is different now. I have one hour a day, meditations that I do in the middle of the day, and then I can pop another 20 minute one in the evening. I meditate for many different reasons Visualization I started vision diarying.

Speaker 1: 

I added all these practices into my life that I didn’t have before. I started with meditation. Then I went to meditating and visualization. Then I upped my vision diary into a vision diary plus journaling. Practices change and they evolve. I was stuck in stagnant. I was ready for something else. Did I sit in the moment and enjoy? Yes, when you get your big, beautiful manifestations, you don’t need to jump right into the next thing. Enjoy that, that’s what you wanted. Live it, experience it. And when a new season comes and you’re ready to do something else and you feel a little stuck and you want to move forward and do something new, then adjust as you go. What adjustments do you need to make? The manifestation practices in your life are going to continue to evolve.

Speaker 1: 

Let’s say you were affirmation queen and you just did certain affirmations. You had an affirmation mantra in your life and it got you where you wanted to go. But now you’re in a new place and you want something different. Maybe you’re bored of doing the affirmation mantra every single day. That’s okay. You can evolve. You don’t have to stick with the one thing that got you there that’s what’s really important Just because you used a particular technique or practice and it gave you everything you desired. If you’re not feeling it anymore, if it doesn’t resonate with you anymore, you can adapt it. You can do something different. Listen to your inner voice, listen to your intuition, listen to what feels good to you. If you’re like I don’t want to do the affirmation thing anymore, but I really want to get into visualization, I’m really at this place where I feel like I can visualize because I have more clarity at where I am in this season than do that. Do what feels good to you at the time to keep you moving forward and understanding what you do about consistency, make it fit in your life in a way that feels good to you so that you can do it on a daily basis, so you can be consistent. Is it going to be something that’s explicit. Are you going to integrate some things more? Maybe you’ve done some explicit stuff, but now you’re going to integrate some stuff as well. What does it look like to you where you are?

Speaker 1: 

The key is to stay on top of your manifesting game through regular reflection. I’m not talking about sitting cross-legged on a mountaintop unless that’s your thing. To be honest, that is my thing. That’s my thing. I love to just sit there and let everything fall away. That’s me, but what is it for you? I’m talking about taking a few minutes here or there to check in with yourself what is working, what feels stale, where could you use a little shake-up? This kind of ongoing check-in keeps you connected to your intentions and desires. It helps you to avoid the dreaded manifestation rut. Think about it If you’re working out and you’re really into a certain workout routine, sometimes it feels a little stale doing the same thing over and over and over again. So you switch it up to make it feel more exciting. That’s what I’m talking about here Switching up your techniques, your exercises for manifestation and adapting them so that they feel good, so that they allow you to feel excited and empowered. Manifestation practices should not be a chore that automatically puts in more resistance because you’re not enjoying it. It needs to feel good.

Speaker 1: 

Once you’ve reflected, set some fresh intentions, revisit the ones you had, it’s okay to hit the reset button on your next practice. New desires don’t have to be massive. They could be meaningful, something that gets you excited and keeps you going. Once again excitement how can you make this a happy place, a happy practice? Manifesting is a journey. It is not a race. So you are going to be keeping your intentions fresh. Your intentions are going to evolve. Your desires are going to evolve as they do.

Speaker 1: 

Fun is the key to staying motivated. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You could try a different journaling technique or a new meditation app. Just switch up your routine. New approaches can keep your practice from feeling like a dreaded thing on the to-do list. Oh, here’s another thing that’s on my to-do list. So, as you’re going through, because you’ve learned about being consistent, you have been consistent, and the more consistent you are, the more you might want to shake things up. Just like with anything in our lives, we want it to feel exciting. You know that new, exciting butterflies in my stomach approach. That’s a good thing. And just because you’re consistent doesn’t mean you can’t evolve. You take that consistency and you tell yourself you know what? I know I can be consistent. I have been consistent for six months, meditating for 10 minutes a day, but I’m ready for something new. I’m ready for something different For me. I had specific meditation, guided meditations I did, and then I switched over to different guided meditations, same approach, but it felt better because it was new. It was different. It was new, it was different, trying something new.

Speaker 1: 

We don’t eat the same thing for dinner every single night for the rest of our lives and feel good about it. You don’t say I know that this meal has just the right amount of nutrition that I need. It helps with my daily nutrition, so I’m going to eat only this. No, we don’t do that. How many times are you like I’m so sick of pizza, I don’t want to hear the word pizza again. I’m so sick of chicken I don’t want to hear the word chicken for another month? We get bored of things. We’re humans. We get bored and you can be consistent. You consistently eat dinner every night. Right, so you can be consistent, but you can switch it up. So we’re still being consistent, but we’re doing it in a way that feels good to us.

Speaker 1: 

That is why it’s important to adapt your practices and your techniques so they feel fun. If they start to feel stale or you just want to try something new, don’t be scared to go in it, because you’re not going to lose your consistency. You’re more likely to lose your consistency if you keep doing the same thing that you don’t like. If you don’t like it anymore, if it feels like a chore or if it’s just not serving you anymore Maybe you just want to shake things up a little bit You’re more likely to be consistent when you listen to that part of yourself, when you say, okay, I’m going to try this for a while Once again. Just because it worked and it brought you what you wanted doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it. You can adjust. I really wanted to come here today and conclude this series to let you know that you can be consistent and still want change later on, and that’s okay.

Speaker 1: 

Just remain consistent doing a technique or practice that is getting you where you need to go, that feels good to you. So, as you’re going through and you’re doing these practices, if you’re consistent for a month, for two months, doing something every day, the goal is to align to your desires daily. How you do it is up to you. How you do it should feel good to you. So there you do. It should feel good to you. So there you have it. Adapting your manifestation practices is about keeping it fresh and in line with where and who you are right now. By regularly reflecting, looking at your intention, trying out new techniques, you will keep your manifestation journey exciting and effective. If you want to go deeper into all things manifesting, grab your all-access pass today. Pass members get in-depth insights, extended resources, monthly Q&As and so much more. You can get it today at LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom. Forward slash access or you can click the link in the show description. I’ll talk to you guys next week.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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