In this Episode

Hey beautiful souls, today we’re diving deep into the art of establishing daily manifestation routines. Last week, we began our journey into the consistency series, focusing on why consistency matters. This week, we’re breaking down how to create daily routines that align your energy and keep you on track, even during the busiest times.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of daily routines in reinforcing your manifestation practice
  • The difference between explicit and integrated manifestation practices
  • How to incorporate routines into your already busy life
  • Practical tips for setting a specific time for your manifestation routines
  • Ways to stay consistent, even when life throws you off track

Grab your favorite drink, cozy up, and let’s dive into creating routines that stick and support your manifesting journey. By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped to integrate these practices seamlessly into your daily life. Don’t forget to check out the All-Access Pass to the Live Life Unapologetically Premium podcast for even more insights and exclusive content. Enjoy the episode!


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast, the podcast for women ready to master manifesting for good. I’m Shannon, your practical manifestation coach, here to help you live an abundant life through actionable methods. Today we’re discussing how to establish daily manifestation routines. This goes into our consistency series and being consistent in manifestation so that you can get real, sustainable results. Many times we think of establishing routines and the thought itself can be a bit overwhelming. You may think things like where can I fit this in? My life is already packed full. How much time will this take? How much time is the best amount of time to spend to get the best results? And you could be asking yourself what’s the best practice to get the most bang for your buck. So these things come into our minds before we even begin. Today we’re going to break that down so that you can start to implement routines in your life and open the door for consistency in manifestation to start attracting your desires in a sustainable way. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started.

Speaker 1: 

Daily routines truly are the backbone to a successful manifestation practice Because remember, when we do things routinely over and over again, they become a habit and we need those habits, to change our behaviors, because our behaviors are linked to our beliefs and you only manifest what you want through your beliefs, so you have to change them. By setting up consistent daily routines, you can have a strong foundation to manifest your desires, going from that which you don’t want into that which you do want. Daily routines are going to reinforce your intentions, they’re going to align your energy and they’re going to build that momentum. They ensure that you stay connected to your goals and make manifesting a natural part of your day-to-day life. And simply that what is manifesting. It is saying universe. This is my desire. I trust you to bring it to me. You just have to be open to receive. You just have to be on the same wavelength of your desire and that’s where alignment comes in. That’s where routines come in to get you on the same wavelength of your desire so that it can be attracted to you. It can come to you. It’s like driving somewhere and you want to make sure you’re on the correct route, right? Say, you’re meeting a friend in New York City. You don’t want to be driving around somewhere in Colorado. You need to be in the state of New York and on the same highway so you can get to the same place. You want to get to the same place where your desires are. You want them to be attracted to you. You don’t want to chase them, right. We chase our desires through forced effort. We attract our desires through alignment, so we want to be in an attractive mode and routines can help with that, to keep you aligned.

Speaker 1: 

We’re going to talk about how to establish routines, and one of the things that I really want to talk to you about today is explicit manifestation practices versus integrated manifestation practices, because a lot of times when we think of setting up routines, we think we have to do something explicitly and separate. But when we’re going to start these routines, we think we have to do something explicitly and separate. But when we’re going to start these routines, we can make them integrated into what’s going on in our daily life. Already. If you’re in a place where you can do things explicitly great, you’re there. You can do that. If your life is busy and you’re running all around, you may have to integrate it. Going back to we’re going into this busy season of our lives and things are all going to start coming up. Having explicit practices are good, but understanding how to integrate them into your daily schedule is also crucial for when life comes up. I’m not even going to lie to you guys.

Speaker 1: 

I had some very disturbing family news come to me yesterday and it threw my day off yesterday. It took up my whole day. It started around, you know, a certain time in the morning and it went until I went to bed. It was just a very disturbing day and I’m still reeling from that a little bit. But one thing I know is no matter what news I get, I want to keep my momentum. When I was talking to a friend and she was trying to help me through this hard time, she was like I told her I don’t want this to throw me off. I don’t want this to stop my momentum in my life outside circumstances and they can come in and do that. And while the situation I was in was very extreme, I also know that this is going to be happening more and more, not in a disturbing way, but just in a way of things coming up. There’s so many birthdays I have coming up, things with my son, with school, the holidays, the works, and I wanna make sure I stay consistent, just like I’m saying you, stay consistent. That’s why I’m showing up here with you. I could have laid in my bed all day, but I decided I was gonna get up and do what I do. So here I am. Here I am with you.

Speaker 1: 

It’s not as polished, I don’t think, as it usually is, but I wanted to make sure that I am keeping with my momentum, not only here on the podcast with you, but in my manifestation routines. That’s why it’s important to have explicit and integrated practices. So I have a lot of explicit practices I do. If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I’ve built up my way from seven minutes a day to one to two hours a day doing these things because I like to Do. I think that’s necessary to get your manifestations. No, because I manifested with seven minutes, just as I do with two hours. So I don’t want you to get stuck on time that’s actually the opposite of what I want you to do with this series. But I also have a lot of integrated practices that I use throughout the day. So when my day got thrown off yesterday, even though I didn’t do any of my explicit practices, but I did still do my integrated practices, because consistency, you see, is more important than duration, so it’s better to spend five minutes on your manifestation practice rather than an hour. It really just is. Do you integrating it? What are you feeling? Are you being aligned?

Speaker 1: 

I want you to begin with small, manageable practices that you can easily fit into your daily schedule to help build your habit without feeling overwhelmed, and also to keep you consistent so that when things in life come your way, you have something already integrated into your day that you can keep doing. If you can’t get to the explicit things that day, I’m gonna do my explicit things today. I’m committed to doing that for myself. That’s for me. It makes me feel good in tough times and we have to take care of ourselves in those times. So I want you to think about how can you mix various techniques like journaling, visualization, affirmations and meditation into your already daily routine, because it’s going to be a variety that can keep your practice going. You can pick one, you can pick all and rotate them. This is really about what is manageable for you, what, what feels good for you. I also want you to remember that any technique you use is a tool.

Speaker 1: 

There’s no magic thing that says journaling is better, visualization is better, affirmations are better. The key is to have a clear intention and to align to that intention and then make sure you align consistently. Let’s just do the difference between explicit and integrated. So an explicit practice may say I’m going to dedicate five minutes a day to journaling. I’m carving out five minutes of my day, it doesn’t matter what time of day, I’m just going to carve out five minutes of my day and I’m going to journal. I’m going to use prompts or I’m going to script, I’m going to use some type of journaling. I have a whole episode on all of these methods that we use, just so you can see how to make them work for you and use them in different ways.

Speaker 1: 

There’s no perfect way or one right way. So you can do that five minutes and that five minutes. It’s explicit, like I don’t want anybody bothering me. I five minutes and that five minutes. It’s explicit, like I don’t want anybody bothering me. I’m going to do it when the kids are asleep, I’m going to do it, you know, before the kids wake up or whatever that is, but an uninterrupted time. So a time that is uninterrupted, that you do on your own, by yourself, that would be an explicit practice.

Speaker 1: 

So in my journey, I started with meditation and it was seven minutes a day and then I moved to 10 minutes a day. I built on it and most of the time that was in my evening routine. Remember, if you miss a day, it’s not the end of the world, you don’t have to start over. I used to think I had to start over. You don’t have to start over, it’s fine. So that would be an explicit practice.

Speaker 1: 

Where can you develop a routine for an explicit practice? Really, look at your time and say when would this fit in my day? So now let’s talk about integrated. So integrated things can be journaling, visualization, affirmations, meditation. I’m so busy, my day got thrown off. You know what? When you’re sitting in traffic not going anywhere and you’re at a standstill, you can have a visualization, with your eyes wide open, of what your future looks like and envision that in your mind. You can sit in traffic and you can feel irritated. Or you can sit in traffic and visualize that intention for your life and how wonderful it’s gonna make you feel to bring about the alignment of your thoughts, emotions and actions. And you are aligning your actions even though you’re sitting still, because you’re saying. You know what. I am embodying this person who has this theme and it makes me feel good.

Speaker 1: 

I always say you can meditate when you take a bathroom break at work. Meditation doesn’t have to be an hour. Meditation can be one minute, two minutes. It doesn’t have to be a big theme. It’s really about calming your mind and also, once again, that alignment. Go to taking a bathroom break. You go take a bathroom break, y’all just sit there. You can sit there for a minute and just breathe for like two seconds. You’re like girl, I don’t want to breathe in the bathroom. Look, get it in where you can fit it in. If you work at a place where you don’t have to be bothered, you have a moment you can pause at your keyboard and close your eyes for one minute and have a mini meditation and then get back to work so you can integrate this in your life.

Speaker 1: 

So, looking for places where you can integrate these practices. If you’re sitting down, if you have a kid, school started back, you guys are sitting down doing homework or something at the end of the day, while your child is working on something you could be writing in your journal. If you have little kids, maybe they’re coloring. Oh, mom, I wanna color today. I know my grandson loves to color. Mom, I want to color today. I know my grandson loves to color. While my grandson’s coloring, I can sit there and be journaling. How can I integrate it? Where can I integrate practices throughout the day? You can visualize, while you’re cooking dinner, what parts of your day occur regularly, that you can integrate these things. While you’re getting ready, while you’re in the shower, I can be affirming that’s integration. I’m already doing something, but I’m also going to put in a practice to keep myself aligned, to recalibrate myself.

Speaker 1: 

So, looking for an explicit practice that doesn’t take long and places where you can sprinkle it throughout the day and integrate it and play around with it. I don’t want you to think you have to have it all figured out perfectly. We’re not being rigid. Consistency doesn’t mean you have to be rigid. It means that you’re just doing something consistently over and over, but it doesn’t mean I have to do it at 10.01 am every single day or it didn’t work out because I didn’t follow that scheduled quote-unquote routine. The routine that we’re talking about here is consistently doing something every day, whether explicit or integrated, that helps you to align to your intention, so you can find a specific time each day for your routine. You can set an alarm on your phone for that specific time. If that specific time is five minutes after your kids go to bed, then do that and set an alarm. If they go to bed at eight o’clock, at 8.05, you’re gonna start from 8.05 to 8.10 doing your journaling.

Speaker 1: 

So you need to find a specific time that you can manifest for your explicit practices and try to stick to it as much as possible. But what about the night when baby is sick and you can’t get to bed and they’re not going to bed at eight and you miss that time? Is it the end of the world? No, so I want you to keep that in your mind, just creating something simple that you can stick with the steps. The key, the process is to have that in your mind. Just creating something simple that you can stick with the steps. The key, the process is to have that intention once again. Then there’s alignment, and when you align, what you’re doing is you’re aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions to change a belief that no longer serves you. So I have my intention, I have my alignment and now I just need to consistently align myself so I can reprogram my brain to a new belief, to attract that which I desire, so I can get on the same wavelength of that which I desire.

Speaker 1: 

So establishing a manifestation routine is essential for consistent, sustainable progress. It’s okay to start small, but it’s essential to stay consistent progress. It’s okay to start small, but it’s essential to stay consistent. So incorporate various techniques, do explicit things, do integrated things, choose a specific time of day for your practice if that works good for you, and hold you accountable. If you’re having trouble being accountable, enlist a friend, enlist a coach to help you stay accountable. Hey, are you doing what you said you’re going to do? Because life does get in the way sometimes and it’s easy to put on the back burner the things we do for us. Like women, we’re really good at being like oh, I know I want to do my manifestation practice, but so-and-so needs me and so-and-so needs that, and we forget about ourselves and our priorities. So we have to make this a priority in our life and make it a practice. So if you need that accountability, that help, that support, that encouragement, reach out. I want you to remember that consistency is the key in manifesting and we do that by building routines and habits that align us to our desires.

Speaker 1: 

Don’t forget to join me on the next episode of the Consistency Series so that we can be good, shored up and have a foundation for consistency going into this busy season coming up. If you want to go deeper into consistency and explicit and integrated practices, you can join me on the all access pass and grab that today. You can get that by going to live life unapologeticallycom forward. Slash access or you can click the link in the show description. You’ll get extended content, deeper insights and advanced methods for manifesting. Plus, you do get a monthly Q&A with me and much more. So don’t forget to grab your all-access pass and I will chat with you next week.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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