In this Episode

t’s time to redefine limiting beliefs in the context of manifestation. Explore how reframing your understanding of these beliefs—not as evidence of being broken but as obsolete mental blueprints—can catalyze personal empowerment and set the stage for manifesting your desires.

This week is about reframing blame and shame when it comes to limiting beliefs and understanding where they come from and how they appear in your life. This is a journey of self-compassion, understanding how the brain works, and how it all flows on your manifestation journey.

The powerhouse of this episode is breaking the narrative that if you have a limiting belief it means you’re a failure, you made a mistake or you are to blame for anything wrong in your life. Plus we will go deeper and challenge the narrative of instant change, especially when it comes to limiting beliefs.



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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Hey beautiful souls and welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kay and today is all about understanding limiting beliefs. Thinking about limiting beliefs and tackling them is one of the greatest challenges I come across when working with women on their manifestation journey. There is a lot of chatter about how to overcome limiting beliefs. With most things in manifesting, we talk a lot about the second step and when it comes to limiting beliefs, how to overcome them is the second step. I’m all about understanding what something is before diving in to try to adjust it.

Speaker 1: 

The reason I do what I do is because when I first started my own manifestation journey, I had many defeating moments trying to put into practice things I didn’t truly understand. Once I took a step back and worked first on understanding things before trying to make a shit ton of changes. That’s when everything fell into place. I truly wish there had been someone that didn’t skirt over the understanding or hint at it, but not fully delve into the background of it. I’m not saying that people do this necessarily on purpose. Some people, I think they do. I think other people just assume we already know the background part, but some of us don’t. When we first start anything new. We’re learning from the beginning. Really, for today I had a different podcast planned. In fact, I already recorded it. Yet as I meditated last night, I felt a deep call to come back to the drawing board and to adjust.

Speaker 1: 

By the way, it is okay to pivot in life, and that brings me right into the topic of today, which is understanding limiting beliefs. You see, we have a certain perception of limiting beliefs and, at face value, it isn’t entirely inaccurate. The problem lies in the connotation of limiting beliefs and how the idea of limiting beliefs can actually derail your manifestation journey. Today, let’s look at limiting beliefs for what they are, so you can approach them with a renewed mind and motivation. Grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s get started.

Speaker 1: 

When people think of limiting beliefs, they often think of them as negative, preventative and restrictive, which they are. The name itself tells you that it is a belief that limits you in some way In manifesting. It limits your ability to create the life you desire. However, when I’m working with women, they internalize this into something as being broken, negative or they blame themselves for their current circumstances in their life. As women, we tend to take the weight of the world on our shoulders and our limiting beliefs can become exasperated further. Because, in manifestation, overcoming limiting beliefs is crucial, but how it’s approached becomes detrimental. Do you need to overcome limiting beliefs to manifest something new Absolutely? You may even know where limiting beliefs come from. To manifest something new Absolutely, you may even know where limiting beliefs come from.

Speaker 1: 

The issue I have is that in the manifesting community there is a resounding idea that if your life is not what you want it to be, it is your fault because you have limiting beliefs that you haven’t overcome. This breeds a level of guilt and shame onto those trying to transform their lives. I believe that this approach harms manifesting more than it helps. Manifestation is absolutely a healing journey and it is a journey of self-awareness to shift your mind to create a reality that pleases you. Manifesting is stepping out of the victim mindset and into a mindset that you have the power within you and no one can take that power from you. Yet it bothers me that within that tenet of manifestation, it seems the balance shifts to now, making you feel as though you’re the perpetrator and the victim within yourself. This comes from the rhetoric about limiting beliefs and how they are, your own negativity, which holds you back, which isn’t the case. Let’s break down this concept of manifestation so we can approach it with a renewed sense of mind that doesn’t place blame outward or shame inward.

Speaker 1: 

The first step is to understand what a belief is. A belief is defined as the acceptance that a statement is true or something exists. It can also be defined as trust, faith or confidence in something or someone. For those that like your references, that comes from the Oxford Dictionary. Once the subconscious mind establishes something to be true, then it’s a belief. A belief is not a passing thought or two, or a thought without meaning. This brings me to how beliefs are formed. Beliefs are formed when you are exposed to or think about something over and over, and this is the important part. You assign what you’re thinking about as truth.

Speaker 1: 

Most of our beliefs are solidified in childhood. That means it really had absolutely nothing to do with you. There are values, ideas and norms that we’re told over and over. We experience them and take them as truth. Other beliefs may be formed through experiences you have when you go through life. Here’s the thing. This is simply how your brain processes information. It’s neutral ground. This is the method your brain uses to form belief systems. It’s important to note that, even though many of your beliefs were formed in childhood, it doesn’t mean they were all bad or purposely done to hinder you. These were simply beliefs that were imparted into you by the adults around you, and they lived those beliefs because they as well believed them. When it comes to your own experiences, you may have conjured up some limiting beliefs that you didn’t know were limiting at the time.

Speaker 1: 

The fact of the matter is that limiting beliefs are really just beliefs that don’t serve you. You have decided you want something different than what those beliefs got you or are getting you, so you want to change them. Instead of focusing on limiting beliefs as reasons why everything sucks, and therefore you suck, look at them for what they are a program in your mind that you’re not on board with anymore. A limiting belief doesn’t mean you’re damaged or broken. The only reason it is limiting is because it doesn’t serve what you want to manifest. Think of it like watching a TV show.

Speaker 1: 

So recently I rewatched Empire because I never finished it. I started seeing clips of it on TikTok and I was like I never finished that show. Let me go back and rewatch it. I really liked seasons one through four. Come seasons five and six, I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. It no longer served entertainment value for me, so I didn’t watch it anymore. I changed the channel to something else I liked better. That’s the same thing with limiting beliefs. Those beliefs simply don’t do it for you anymore, so you’re going to switch it up. I used to think it was important to finish what I started, so in the past I would have finished the last two seasons and not quit, like you never quit. Now, if it’s not doing it for me, I go in a different direction. No need to waste time on something that isn’t serving me in any way. To say that I stuck with it.

Speaker 1: 

When you look at limiting beliefs for what they are your internal programming it’s easier to decide to change the channel on the parts you don’t like. There is no need to judge. It’s just being aware. I didn’t go on some rant about how Empire is horrible and the writers should have done better and they should have known better. Yet that is what we do to ourselves when we confront our limiting beliefs. I’m horrible. I should have done better. I should have known better, I should have been more positive. Why did I let myself believe that I was such a fool to listen to someone else and I can’t believe what they said. Look, take that burden off yourself today, all of it. Allow yourself to turn the channel without beating yourself up about it.

Speaker 1: 

You can challenge a limiting belief without assigning blame to yourself or anyone else. Recognize it for what it truly is a belief that does not serve you. That’s it. You know how you go to the store for a salty snack, only to come home and realize you want a sweet snack instead. So you find something sweet. You don’t agonize over the salty thing. You’re allowed to change your mind and your beliefs as much as you want to. You are allowed to program your brain in a way that serves you.

Speaker 1: 

Guess what? When I turned the channel from Empire, I started watching Lucifer, but I was like nah, not feeling that right now either. So then I tuned into Lost. Let the process be one of self-discovery, without the pressure of perfection or self-judgment. I have a belief that doesn’t serve me. I’m going to change that belief to one that does serve me. No need to overanalyze to the point of being stuck in that limiting belief where you start to bring judgment and criticism and all of these internal feelings against yourself. Allow yourself to approach it from a self-awareness perspective, as an observer and not a judge. Then give yourself the time and grace to change that belief, because you now know that limiting beliefs aren’t formed by one thought or one action, but by repetition and assigning truth.

Speaker 1: 

It’s going to take some time to change the program and rewrite the connections in your brain. Which brings me to time when it comes to overcoming limiting beliefs and why. Current trends have you feeling like a failure because they leave out the foundation of how beliefs are formed, making it seem as though it is something that you can do instantly. We love that instant gratification, don’t we? I loved it at first. When I really started to get into manifesting, I was like oh, my life is going to change tomorrow.

Speaker 1: 

Your brain doesn’t work like that. It’s not an instantaneous thing. See, we like to make people feel like they’re failing if they can’t go from paycheck to paycheck to bring in the six and seven figures overnight. The thing is, your brain doesn’t work that way. You may have a program that’s not letting that happen, but you need time to rewrite the program. Just because you didn’t go to being a six-figure earner within a month doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It just means that you haven’t reset the program, and resetting the program takes time, time, time, time. But nobody wants to hear time. It’s not popular to hear or say or talk about that. It takes time.

Speaker 1: 

You did not get the beliefs you have overnight and you’re certainly not going to change them overnight. You most definitely will have some small wins along the way which will serve as your motivation, but they’re not your transformation. Many times in the manifesting world, people are made to feel as though they aren’t doing it right because it seemed flashy to talk about how someone went from nothing to something in a matter of days or weeks. Your subconscious drives your life and you can’t flip the switch on it instantly Y’all. I know it doesn’t seem sexy, but the only way to get where you’re trying to go is with patience, persistence and consistency. You can see subtle changes, and sustainable change, if you truly work to form new beliefs instead of fleeting thoughts.

Speaker 1: 

This whole idea that you have blocks and it’s your fault if you don’t manifest is true but misleading. Yes, you will create what you believe. Yes, you manifest from your mind. Yes, you need to believe that which you desire and, yes, beliefs that don’t serve that desire will prevent it from coming to you. The misleading part is that you should be able to snap your fingers and move past it, which leads to frustration, self-doubt, comparison and defeat. I wanted to come on today and let you know how your brain works, how beliefs form, and that it takes time to rewire yourself. The beautiful thing is the brain has neuroplasticity, so it can be rewired. The truth is that it takes time to build those connections.

Speaker 1: 

Have you ever heard that if you tell a lie repeatedly, that eventually you’re going to believe it? Eventually is key here. It’s not that you hear a lie and you’re like yep, that’s true. It takes repeated exposure to that lie and, because of how the brain works, it will eventually be like sure. I believe that now, even if there’s nothing factual to back it up. The reverse works the same way. Telling yourself and building up a new truth for your life that serves you is going to take time, but it will eventually become a belief. I know we don’t like to hear how we have to wait, because we want change now and, honestly, that is why quick fixes are so appealing. Quick fixes never stick around, though. It’s like doing a juice cleanse Sure, you drop 10 pounds in two weeks, but it all comes back and it isn’t a sustainable change. It’s a yo-yo effect that will have you never getting to the finish line. So, my love, today I want to leave you with this Limiting beliefs are beliefs that no longer serve you, a belief that once served you may not serve you anymore, and that’s okay.

Speaker 1: 

You are allowed to change and move in a different direction. It takes time to change limiting beliefs, but it is completely doable because your brain was built to change with neuroplasticity. A limiting belief doesn’t mean you’re a failure, a victim or anything in between. Understand how the belief got there and how you want to adjust it. Then do the work and give yourself grace over time while you’re waiting for your new belief to solidify fully. As you shift your belief, you will see changes to motivate you to keep going. Don’t disregard those small steps.

Speaker 1: 

You’ve heard my financial story in previous episodes. That show exactly how each step forward helped me to solidify new beliefs over time. To get where I am now. It goes something like this here’s the brief version I was always in red. Then I went to paying things on time, paycheck to paycheck. Then I went to having extra left over to having a complete overflow. I recently did a podcast interview and I got to share my manifestation health journey. So I went through that. It was very much a journey, piece by piece building, and now I’m into the transformation with my health. There were small wins and victories along the way, but those were my motivations, not my transformations. It took time.

Speaker 1: 

In all things, I want you to love yourself, embrace the power within and know that you can change your reality. You can change your life. It’s my heart to not try to simplify it to a point where you get discouraged. I hope you’re encouraged today to know that you aren’t failing, that you can overcome limiting beliefs and that you have everything you need already inside you to make that happen. Now, today’s episode was not about how to overcome your limiting beliefs. We can get into that later. I really just wanted you to understand where they come from, that it’s possible to change them and to take the judgment off of yourself, to take those feelings of failures off, to take the pressure off to do something perfectly, to change overnight.

Speaker 1: 

If you’re hungry for more insights, I want you to grab the all-access pass to the Live Life Unapologetically premium podcast, where I extend and explore the secrets of practical manifesting and abundance. Plus, you’re going to get monthly Q&As and so much more. Don’t forget you can always reach me at contact at LiveLifeUnapologeticallycom, so if you have any questions or if you need support, I’m here for you. Remember that you didn’t develop beliefs that no longer serve you overnight. It takes time and patience to reprogram your brain to the new beliefs that you want to match the manifestations you’re trying to have. Some beliefs will be easier to replace than others. Don’t let that discourage. You Know that you can do it as long as you believe in yourself.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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