In this Episode

Ever wondered why your manifestation efforts seem to be hit or miss? On this transformative episode, you’ll uncover the secrets to gaining clarity in your manifestation journey. By answering ten essential questions, starting with what brings you joy and excitement, you’ll align your thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest your true desires. 

Dive into the power of curiosity, gratitude, and continuous learning in discovering new passions and manifesting desires. This episode emphasizes the importance of taking action and embracing every step, even mistakes, as crucial parts of the journey to manifestation mastery. Let’s embark on this journey together, exploring within ourselves, finding joy, and being honest about our desires to gain clarity and propel ourselves forward.


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Show Transcript

Speaker 1: 

Hi, beautiful souls, and welcome back to another episode of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast. I’m Shannon Kay and today we are exploring questions that you can ask to gain clarity which will enhance your manifestation efforts. For those that follow me on socials, you will hear me say that you need clarity and manifestation and that vague desires equal vague results. So what happens if you have zero clarity and you’re not sure how to get to a place where you have strong, clear intentions? Well, that’s what one of my followers asked and so, babe, I’m going to answer it. If you have questions about a concept and you want more info, comment on my socials. I’ll go deeper for you. Now, I can’t guarantee that I can answer everybody’s questions, because I only drop this podcast once per week, but you can drop it there. But sometimes there are topics where you can’t answer in a one minute or two minute video, that you can’t go deep into that concept in a comment where you have a limited amount of characters. So this one, to me, is so essential and crucial that I was like, babe, let me just make a show out of this and let’s get really deep into this concept. Now, as we go through this, I think it’s important to point out that clarity does evolve over time and sometimes you can think you want something, only to get it and realize that’s not what you want, and that’s perfectly okay. We’re on a magical adventure through life. We get to experiment, we get to discover what really lights us up inside. So grab your favorite drink, cozy up and let’s cultivate some clarity.

Speaker 1: 

Here’s the thing when you first set out to manifest your dreams, one of the most crucial elements is clarity and manifestation. Once again, vague desires give you vague results. You attract what you want right. So knowing exactly what you desire and where it comes from forms that foundation for successful manifestation. But finding clarity can be very elusive. Sometimes you may compare yourself to others and think they have it all figured out. You wonder why you’re not there. Are you missing some secret ingredient? And the chances are that there’s no one thing they’re doing that you aren’t. It’s more likely that they just have a clearer vision of their desires and a deeper understanding. So that’s why we want to get very clear and cultivate your own clarity today, so that you can manifest what you want.

Speaker 1: 

So let’s get into some questions. I’m going to give you 10 questions to ask yourself, and within these questions. I always hate it when people say ask yourself this question, and sometimes I get stuck on the question itself. So I’ll also break down that question with littler questions so that you can really dig into the bigger question, okay, so first, what brings you joy and excitement? I want you to ask yourself what brings me joy and excitement, what lights you up, and this isn’t about what you think others think you should do or what others expect of you. This is truly about you what you really feel when it comes to situations of joy and excitement, things that bring you joy and excitement. This is number one on the list because it genuinely makes you be aware of happiness, and happiness is the cornerstone of discovering your true desire.

Speaker 1: 

If you’re not quite sure, what brings you joy and I’m going to be honest, I didn’t know this for a certain amount of time, and actually that’s something I’m working on right now is it’s safe to feel happy, it is safe to feel joy, it is safe to feel excited, because I didn’t have that type of life. I had a life where my brain thought, because your brain just thinks whatever is safe is what it knows Right. So the patterns of my life were a lot of stress and things of that nature, and so now it’s like, no, no, no, it’s safe to feel this. So feeling that joy, and so I had to really dig into this question as, like, what activities make me feel most alive? Ask yourself so, if you struggle with this cause I did for a while, cause I was like I don’t know what brings me joy and excitement. Excitement, I was so busy living my life trying to make sure everything was okay for everybody else that I forgot to understand what brought me joy. So ask yourself, like, what activities make you feel most alive and energized? Who are people that bring out the best in you? When was the last time you truly felt happy and what were you doing?

Speaker 1: 

The second question is what are my core values? And I want you to really sit in this, because a lot of times, our core values are values that we told we should have. Like, this is the values a person should have. But I really want you to think about what are your core values? These are your guiding principles in finding clarity, because this is what is going to drive your actions. And remember, we have our thoughts, emotions, actions to come into alignment for manifestation. So what are your values? Ask yourself what principles do you refuse to compromise on? What values do you want to instill in others, and how do your current actions align with your core values? Once again, your core values. Like you guys, nobody else. Some people will be like oh I value this and I think you should value it. No, what do you value? There’s no like thing that says this value is better than another value. Just what do you value? We all bring something different into this.

Speaker 1: 

The third question I want you to ask yourself is what activities make you lose track of time. So, supercharging your manifestation efforts can be done by identifying activities that make you lose track of time. What can you do that you’re hyper-focused on that? Once you start, you don’t want to stop. That’ll really be an indicator of your passion and purpose and with it being an indicator of your passion and purpose, that’s going to help you to find clarity in what it is that you desire. So really pay attention to what makes time fly for you. You can identify this by asking what hobbies or activities can I do for hours without noticing the time? When do I feel most in the flow and productive? What childhood activities brought me immense joy and excitement, and the reason I want you to think about that is because in our childhood we have well-intentioned adults around us all the time and there may be activities that we love. And I always think about this when it comes to your job, your profession, where maybe there is an activity or something that is a profession, but you were told that doesn’t make a lot of money, you’re not going to be able to survive on that profession or here’s a better profession, things of that nature, and you’re steered in a different direction. Tap back into that child of you. What did that child love authentically? That really may give you an indicator of something that you’re missing in your life, but you were just steered in a different direction. But it’s always okay to steer back if that’s something that is just. You could do it for hours and lose time with.

Speaker 1: 

Question number four is what do I want to experience more of in my life? So if you ask me, I would be like the beach. Hello, the beach, let’s just go to the beach. I’ve manifested now where I can go to the beach whenever I want to. It actually really surprised my husband that we did not take a trip to the beach this summer, but I wasn’t in the mood to travel. However, I will go to the beach and the beach and the beach Like I want that experience in my life. It’s just great, like just thinking about it. I’m tongue tied right now because it takes me to this totally different place. So what is that for you? What is that experience? There’s just one experience for me.

Speaker 1: 

But what is an experience? Visualize that experience so that you don’t have big feelings like is that something I really want to experience? Because if somebody told me to go to the Taylor Swift concert, I don’t really want to experience that. And it’s not because I have anything against Taylor Swift. I don’t like concerts. I could not visualize myself at a concert. And that goes back to what should you want, or what other people think are fun, versus what you think. I’m not going to a concert, I’m just not. That would not be fun for me, no matter who was. That concert would be dreadful to me. That’s not an experience I want to have. So make sure you’re visualizing that experience. Is it something you really want? What experiences make you feel fulfilled and content? How do you want to feel at the end of each day, and what new experiences are you eager to try. So for me, concert ain’t my thing, but a new experience that I am eager to try is they have just opened mineral pools where I live. Number one, I love water and number two, I love like mineral things. I love feeling good and you can go float in different mineral pools that mimic like the Dead Sea and all this other stuff. It literally just opened where I am and I know that’s something I want to experience. So what’s something new that you want to experience that you’re eager to try?

Speaker 1: 

Question number five is what am I curious about exploring? Curiosity is a powerful indicator of your interests and your passions, because it’s very easy to get stuck in a routine without exploring new possibilities. And the reason I want you to ask what you’re curious about is because it could lead you to passions that could really open up your life, to something new, to take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. That happened for me. Long story, I won’t get into it right now, but it’s really important to know what are you curious about? You can ask yourself what topics do you enjoy learning about in your free time? Even you’re like girl, I ain’t got no free time, your free time could be five minutes. Honestly, your free time could be what are the thoughts in your mind in your shower that you’re curious about? If you could try a new activity, what would it be? What books or articles do you find yourself drawn to? Those are the questions you can ask to explore your curiosity.

Speaker 1: 

Number six what am I grateful for right now? Because gratitude is a powerful manifestation tool. If you’re new here, you’re going to see me mention gratitude all the freaking time like a lot, a lot, because gratitude is to me a superpower for manifesting. When you know what you’re grateful for right now, it’s an indicator of what you desire. I am so grateful for this. I love it so much. In my life I want more up. Many times we were grateful for the things that we want more up. Now I know you’re supposed to be grateful for all things this, that and the other thing. In this context, use it as an indicator to show what do I want more things of? I am so grateful for this, and it could be big or small things, guys. It doesn’t have to be huge, big or small, but what am I grateful for? And that’s going to be an indicator of what you want more of. So what are three things you’re grateful for today, or how has gratitude positively impacted your life when you’ve used it? Who in your life are you thankful for, and why?

Speaker 1: 

Question number seven is what do I want to learn? I’m a lifelong learner. I feel like manifestation is a lifelong journey of learning, identifying what you want, what you don’t want, and evolving with it. Anytime you’re seeking something new, learning is involved. So if there’s something you’re not particularly interested in learning, then that actually may be an indicator of what not to include in your intentions. Ask yourself what skills or knowledge you want to acquire. That question can open up avenues for growth and fulfillment, like what skills do I want to master? What subjects have always intrigued me? How can I learn something new to enhance my life?

Speaker 1: 

This weekend I spent coding my website and that was exciting to me and I was learning new things. I love doing that. I can get lost in hours doing that, just messing around on WordPress making a site, and I did that this weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it. That was something new. Like, wordpress isn’t new to me, but what I was trying to do on WordPress was new to me. So I spent all weekend on YouTube and doing all the things, teaching myself, reading articles on how to code certain things.

Speaker 1: 

Question number eight is who inspires me and why? So I want you to look at people who inspire you and understand why they inspire you, because you can gain insights into what you value, what you want to achieve, what your desires are. Now that does not mean that you’re going to go copy someone else’s life to the letter. You can have the same passions and purpose and things in common, but you’re going to do it in your own unique way because you’re your own unique person. So when you’re finding inspiration, ask who are my role models and what do I admire about them. What qualities do they have that speak to me? How can I cultivate the attributes that I see in them, that I want to light up inside of me? Like, we have shared attributes, but I want mine to shine. How can I cultivate that in my own unique way? I’m going to say that again in your own unique way.

Speaker 1: 

Question number nine is what challenges have I overcome? And reflecting on your past challenges and how you overcame them can provide you valuable insights into your strengths and what you truly want in life. Like, I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna waste my time trying to fix all my weaknesses. That’s fighting an uphill battle to me. I think you understand your weaknesses, but you can use your strengths for that. You don’t have to sit there and beat your head against the wall on something you’re not great at. Instead, utilize your strengths.

Speaker 1: 

So, for me, I told you guys, I’m not going to go to a concert. I don’t like crowds, which can be a weakness for me in certain areas when it comes to my professional life, when it comes to networking, when it comes to things like that. But I have found a way to leverage my strengths and other things to overcome that Like know your weakness, be self-aware, but don’t just be sitting over here Like. I think, in this world, even when we talk about manifestation anything else, it’s always about trying to fix a part of yourself. Why not celebrate yourself more? Why not fall into your strength more? And I feel like when we fall into our strength more, a lot of those weaknesses, they’re going to clean themselves up. So that’s why I want you to really ask yourself what challenges have you overcome? Where are your strengths? What’s the biggest obstacle that you’ve overcome in your life? What strengths have you developed or revealed through overcoming challenges. And how have past challenges shaped your current desires? Because challenges do shape our desires. Why? Because it tells us what we don’t want in our life.

Speaker 1: 

Question number 10 is how do I want to feel on a daily basis? Feelings, feelings, feelings. Y’all know I love feelings. Okay, so focus on how do you want to feel every single day, to identify your true desires. What do I want this life to feel like to me? Consider the emotions and state of beings that you want to experience regularly and then align your goals with those desires, all of your intentions, with those. What would make me feel the way I want to feel? What emotions do you want to have most often? How can you create a daily routine that supports those feelings? What activities help you get to those desired emotions? Emotions are so important. That’s a whole nother podcast. Or you can just grab the Feel to Flourish Masterclass. It’s complimentary, you can get it in the show description, you can get it in the link in any of my social media bios, where it goes all into emotions. Emotions is so important. Now I told you I had a bonus strategy for you for clarification, and that is starting small.

Speaker 1: 

I know a lot of times when we’re trying to clarify what we want to desire, we feel like we have to plan out every little detail of our life and that is our manifestation, like this area and this area and how they all come together, and everything is interconnected. But manifesting your desires doesn’t always have to involve grand, life-changing intentions. Some of the most powerful manifestations can start with the smallest intentions, and this is especially important if you’re just starting out or if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of figuring out your life’s purpose all at one time. Starting small allows you to build confidence in your manifestation abilities. You get to see tangible results quickly and those small wins can create that positive feedback loop reinforcing the belief in your power for manifestation. So I always like to say quick wins are your motivation, not your transformation. But go after those quick wins to keep you motivated. And when it comes to clarity, having quick wins can really be a great way to sort out the mess Once again.

Speaker 1: 

Sometimes you might want to manifest something and then when you get it, you’re like that’s not really what I want. I thought I wanted it, but I don’t, and that’s okay. If you do this with quick wins, it’s easier to sort out. I don’t want that. Let me shift. It’s all about self-discovery, folks. We’re discovering ourselves and what we really like, and that’s okay. So think about like a really small desire For me when I was running errands I wanted a front row parking spot that I didn’t have to wait for, like I didn’t have to wait for the car to back out.

Speaker 1: 

Or like, oh, I see a person walking to their car and they’re going to get in and sit there for five minutes before they back out. I’m just sitting here waiting, like I could have parked and I could have walked and been where I was trying to go already. I don’t want to wait, but it’d be great to have an upfront parking space. That would be very convenient for my life. This has zero to do with planning out huge aspects of my life, but it’s something I really wanted to focus on manifesting and starting small like that. By the way, I always get within the first three spots without having to wait Anytime I go to the store, no matter how busy it is. I have manifested that in my life.

Speaker 1: 

Now, start small like that and it kind of takes the pressure off. If you’re an overthinker like me, if you’re a perfectionist like me, like all of those things were very hard when I first started manifesting. So if you start small with things like that, it helps you to kind of move past those things to get into the bigger thing. Like just have fun with it, y’all Okay. But wait, there’s more, there’s another bonus I’m not stopping there. I know I said one, but I’m gonna have another one and that is that action brings clarity. So one of the most valuable lessons I learned from one of my mentors, casey Morris, is that action brings clarity. So when you’re ready to tackle bigger goals, it’s okay if you don’t get it right all the time, or if you start pursuing one thing and then realize you want something else.

Speaker 1: 

Once again, the key is to take action and allow yourself to explore. Taking action, even if it leads to mistakes or changes in directions, helps you discover what you truly desire. It’s through that exploration and that willingness that you gain deeper insights into your true desires and passions. So don’t be afraid to take the first step, even if you’re not entirely sure it’s exactly what you want, because each action is going to bring you closer to understanding your true desires and aligning with them. Because manifesting is a journey, y’all. It is not a destination. So start small, take consistent action, embrace lessons along the way and create a strong foundation for achieving bigger dreams, because each small win and every bit of clarity you gain propels you forward. It’s going to help you to master the art of manifestation and live a life of abundance with ease.

Speaker 1: 

If you’re hungry for more insights, you can grab the all-access pass to the Live Life, unapologetically Premium podcast. That’s where I explore and extend more on the secrets of practical manifesting and abundance. Plus, you do get a monthly Q&A and in that monthly Q&A I guarantee I’m going to answer your questions. So I may not be able to get to all of them on social media, but for the premium podcast members, they get all of their questions answered, and there’s so much more that goes into that. This week, just explore within yourself, finding that joy and answering these questions. Remember, be honest with yourself. Honesty is key. It’s not about what anybody else thinks. It’s about your clarity and your desires. Every step is going to get you closer to your manifesting dreams. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters.

Your Host, Shannon K

I help busy women manifest wealth, health, and joy in 20 minutes or less per day.

Hi, I’m Shannon, the host of the Live Life Unapologetically podcast and founder of Manifest SHE Coaching I’m passionate about helping women unlock their manifesting potential and create the life they’ve always dreamed of—without the overwhelm.

Through my personal journey of breaking free from limiting beliefs and discovering the power of manifesting in just minutes a day, I’ve developed simple, practical methods to make manifesting easy and accessible for women everywhere. Tune in as I share tips, strategies, and real talk to help you live boldly and unapologetically, while manifesting your dream life.

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