10 powerful questions to help you gain clarity in manifestation

10 Surprisingly Powerful Questions to Achieve Ultimate Clarity in Manifestation

When you first set out to manifest your dreams, one of the most crucial elements you need is clarity in manifestation. Knowing exactly what you desire and why you desire it forms the foundation of effective manifestation. However, finding that clarity can often feel like an elusive goal. You might compare yourself to others who seem to have it all figured out and wonder why you aren’t there yet. Are you missing some magic secret success ingredient?

Chances are, there’s no one “thing” they’re doing that you aren’t. It’s more likely they just have a clearer vision of their desires and a deeper understanding of their own needs and goals.

I’m going to help you shake off the confusion and start feeling confident with your clarity in manifestation so you can materialize your desires! I’m breaking down 10 powerful questions that will help you gain ultimate clarity in your manifestation process, without the overwhelm and uncertainty.

Make sure you read to the end because I’ve got a bonus strategy that is essential for manifesting your desires!

#1. What brings me joy and excitement?

Forget what you think you should want or what others expect. This question is about diving deep into what truly brings you joy, fulfillment, and excitement. Think about the activities, people, and experiences that light you up.

This is #1 on the list because understanding what genuinely makes you happy is the cornerstone of discovering your true desires. When you’re clear on what brings you joy, you can align your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards achieving it.

Be careful not to let societal expectations or fear of judgment cloud your vision. Focusing on what others think you should want can lead to frustration and a sense of unfulfillment.

Instead, listen to your inner voice and honor your authentic desires. This practice will guide you towards a path that feels aligned and true to you.

Clarifying What Brings You Joy

  • What activities make me feel most alive and energized?
  • Who are the people that bring out the best in me?
  • When was the last time I felt truly happy and what was I doing?

#2. What are my core values?

Hold off on jumping straight into action without understanding your core values. Knowing what principles and values guide your life is crucial because they form the foundation of your desires and goals.

This doesn’t mean you can’t have multiple values, but when you understand your core values, it strengthens your resolve and guides your actions.

Instead, ask yourself what values are most important to you. This clarity in manifestation will help you stay focused and committed, even when challenges arise.

If you are struggling with values or need more guidance check out this list by James Clear: Values List

Understanding Your Core Values

  • What principles do I refuse to compromise on?
  • Which values do I want to instill in others?
  • How do my current actions align with my core values?

list of core values to help find clarity in manifesting

#3. What activities make me lose track of time?

Supercharge your manifesting efforts by identifying activities that make you lose track of time. These are often the things you are most passionate about and indicate where your true interests lie.

That way, you’ll know exactly what to focus on when looking for clarity in manifestation and won’t be held back by distractions. Plus, engaging in these activities sets a strong foundation for your manifesting journey.

If you’re really serious about discovering your true desires, you have to pay attention to what makes time fly for you. Acknowledging and embracing these activities will empower you to move forward with confidence.

Identifying Time-Flying Activities

  • What hobbies or activities can I do for hours without noticing the time? 
  • When do I feel most in the flow and productive?
  • What childhood activities brought me immense joy and excitement?

#4. What do I want to experience more of in my life?

Always focus on the experiences you want to invite into your life. HELLO…did someone say BEACH! No, just me…? Understanding what you want to experience more of is crucial because it connects you to the emotional energy of your manifestations.

Regardless of what your intentions are, tapping into these desired experiences will help you align more deeply with your true desires. When you can feel the joy, satisfaction, or peace that these experiences will bring, you attract those experiences into your life.

Pro tip: Make your visualization exercises specific to the experiences you want to have. No room for vague feelings here!

If you want deeper tips on visualization check out the entire podcast episode dedicated to visualizing techniques below.

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Defining Desired Experiences

  • What experiences make me feel fulfilled and content?
  • How do I want to feel at the end of each day?
  • What new experiences am I eager to try?

#5. What am I curious about exploring?

it is okay not to have a set path when looking for clarity

Get clarity and guidance by identifying areas of curiosity. Curiosity is a powerful indicator of your interests and passions. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine without exploring new possibilities.

Maybe you’re putting the time in but still unable to reach your manifesting goals. Maybe you’re struggling to identify what truly excites you. It’s one thing to feel confused about what you should be doing but when it goes on too long, you can fall into a rut and lose your motivation.

So if you’re struggling to identify your true desires, it may be time to reach out for guidance and clarity.

There are many ways that a coach can help:

  • Get clear on exactly what to do
  • Hold you accountable to getting it done
  • Help you with the mindset shifts needed to explore new possibilities

If you’d like to work with me, considered grabbing the All-Access Pass. One of the benefits is that you get to submit your questions directly to me each month and I’ll answer them for you. Simply click here to join in.

Exploring Curiosities

  • What topics do I enjoy learning about in my free time?
  • If I could try any new activity, what would it be?
  • What books or articles do I find myself drawn to?

#6. What am I grateful for right now?

Gratitude is a powerful tool in manifesting because it shifts your focus to what you already have, creating a positive mindset for attracting more. If you are new here then you are going to see me mention gratitude all the time (like alot, alot!). Gratitude is a superpower in manifesting.

When seeking clarity in manifestation the things you are grateful are powerful hints to what you desire more of! Regardless of how big or small, acknowledging what you are grateful for helps you realize what truly matters to you. This can guide you towards your desires with a sense of appreciation.

Focusing on Gratitude

  • What three things am I grateful for today?
  • How has gratitude positively impacted my life?
  • Who in my life am I thankful for and why?

#7. What do I want to learn?

Manifestation is a lifelong journey, and identifying what you want to learn can reveal hidden passions and desires. Anytime you take on something new learning is involved. If there is something you aren’t particularly interested in learning then it may be an indicator of what NOT to include in your intentions.

Ask yourself what skills or knowledge you would love to acquire. This question can open up new avenues for growth and fulfillment. Deciding what you want to learn can really propel you forward with clarity in manifestation.

Discovering Learning Desires

  • What skills would I like to master?
  • Which subjects have always intrigued me?
  • How can learning something new enhance my life?

it is important to be honest when asking questions for clarity

#8. Who inspires me and why?

Look to the people who inspire you. Understanding why they inspire you can give you insights into what you value and what you want to achieve. Now, this doesn’t mean trying to copy someone’s life to the letter. You can have the same passions and purpose but it will be in your own unique way.

Think about the qualities and accomplishments of your role models and how they align with your desires.

Finding Inspiration

  • Who are my role models and what do I admire about them?
  • What qualities do they have that speak to me?
  • How can I cultivate attributes of those who inspire me?

#9. What challenges have I overcome?

Reflecting on past challenges and how you overcame them can provide valuable insights into your strengths and what you truly want in life. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to waste my time trying to fix all my weaknesses…that is fighting an uphill battle. Instead, understanding your strengths pulls you in a direction of capatilizing on things that bring you joy.

Consider the obstacles you’ve faced and the lessons you’ve learned. These experiences can guide you toward your true desires.

Learning from Challenges

  • What are the biggest obstacles I’ve overcome?
  • What strengths have I developed or revealed through overcoming challenges?
  • How have past challenges shaped my current desires?

#10. How do I want to feel on a daily basis?

Focusing on how you want to feel every day can help you identify your true desires and guide your actions toward achieving them. That is why it is okay to have negative emotions because they are great indicators of what you don’t want! All emotions are beneficial in keying you into more clarity in manifestation because you can better understand what you truly want.

Consider the emotions and states of being you want to experience regularly, and align your goals with these desired feelings.

Focusing on Daily Feelings

  • What emotions do I want to feel most often?
  • How can I create a daily routine that supports these feelings?
  • What activities help me feel my desired emotions?


Start Small and Build Momentum

Manifesting your desires doesn’t always have to involve grand, life-changing goals. In fact, some of the most powerful manifestations can start with the smallest intentions. This is especially important when you’re just starting out or if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of figuring out your entire life’s purpose all at once.

Starting small allows you to build confidence in your manifesting abilities and see tangible results quickly. These small wins create a positive feedback loop, reinforcing your belief in the power of manifestation and encouraging you to aim for bigger desires over time.

For example, think about a simple desire you might have when running errands, like finding a front-row parking spot at the grocery store. By focusing on this small, specific intention and visualizing it clearly, you can manifest it effortlessly. The satisfaction of achieving this small win boosts your confidence and demonstrates the power of clarity in manifestation.

have fun while exploring more clarity to manifest

Here are a few steps to start small and build momentum:

  1. Identify a Small, Specific Desire: Choose something that feels easily attainable but would still bring you joy or convenience. It could be as simple as getting a parking spot, having a smooth commute, or receiving a compliment from a colleague.
  2. Visualize and Feel It: Spend a few moments visualizing your desire as if it has already happened. Imagine the details and, most importantly, feel the positive emotions associated with achieving it. This emotional connection is key to manifesting effectively.
  3. Take Action: Even with small desires, taking aligned action is important. For example, if you want a front-row parking spot, drive to the store with the belief that you will find one. This belief influences your actions and helps you spot opportunities you might otherwise miss.
  4. Acknowledge and Celebrate Small Wins: When your small desire manifests, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate it. This reinforces your belief in the process and encourages you to continue manifesting.
  5. Build on Your Success: Use the confidence and positive energy from your small wins to set slightly bigger intentions. Gradually, you’ll build momentum and be able to tackle larger desires with the same clarity and confidence.

But wait…there is more…here’s another bonus!

Action Brings Clarity

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from my mentor, Kayse Morris, is that action brings clarity. When you are ready to tackle bigger goals, it’s okay if you don’t get it right all the time or if you start pursuing one thing and realize you want something else. The key is to take action and allow yourself to explore.

Taking action, even if it leads to mistakes or changes in direction, helps you discover what you truly desire. It’s through this exploration and willingness to try that you gain deeper insights into your true desires and passions. So, don’t be afraid to take that first step, even if you’re not entirely sure if it is the exact thing you want. Each action you take brings you closer to understanding your true desires and aligning your life with them.

Remember, manifesting is a journey, not a destination. By starting small, taking consistent action, and embracing the lessons along the way, you create a strong foundation for achieving your bigger dreams. Each small win and every bit of clarity you gain propels you forward, helping you master the art of manifestation and live a life of abundance with ease and consistency.

Do you feel more clarity about your desires?

I hope this post showed you that every step you take towards clarity is a HUGE win. 🙂

So raise your hand, reach around, and pat yourself on the back! Achieving clarity doesn’t have to be perfect or come easy, but you’re doing it!

From asking yourself what truly brings you joy to identifying the challenges you’ve overcome, just keep going. Every step is getting you closer to your finish line.At the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.

So now I want to turn it over to you. Which of these questions will you be exploring first? Are you going to focus on what brings you joy, or perhaps what you are curious about? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

Until Next Time

Download the free Feel to Flourish Masterclass.

If you enjoyed the content and are hungry for more insights, then grab the all access pass and subscribe to Live Life Unapologetically Premium, a private podcast where I extend and explore the secrets of practical manifesting and abundance, offering exclusive insights and in-depth episodes just for you. 

Remember, you can always reach me at contact@livelifeunapologetically.com. Let’s get you manifesting the holistic abundance you deserve!

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Hey! I'm Shannon

I empower women to manifest their dreams and live abundantly by aligning their thoughts, emotions, and actions. My approach helps you move from surviving to thriving, enabling you to feel calm, confident, and capable. Together, we will overcome self-doubt, embrace self-love, and create a life of joy, health, and prosperity.

Listen to my podcast weekly to dive deep into manifesting. You can tune in here 

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Discover how to shift your emotions and use them to align with your desires. Learn to overcome misconceptions about high and low vibes, name your emotions, and develop emotional awareness.